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Chapter 31

The tablet glowed.

[There may have been lies but through truths and second chances, the purity remains and you may proceed.]

[The ocean's abyss now shares your woes.]

The giant doors opened behind the statue. Ryan didn't even wait until they were fully open and walked in. Claude stared at his back faintly, that back appeared very lonely all of a sudden. The corners of his mouth curved slightly into a small smile which didn't hold much meaning but it was very gentle.

He followed in and saw the walls had water running down into the stream by the side of the wall.

They walked into a wide room once again but there wasn't anything inside.

Ryan was surprised when he saw two familiar people.

The two heard the sound of footsteps and looked over. Alicia got up from the rock and walked over to him with a pleasant smile. "Ryan, you're safe."

Ryan nodded to her and then looked over to the other person, Lukas who was stood like a frozen sculpture. He didn't look to be in a very good mood either and it showed by the pissed expression in his face.

"Is Kanza here?" Ryan asked while looking around.

"No, I haven't seen him at all." Alicia shook her head. "I thought he might be with you but... we're very unlucky to be seperated like this. These ruins are filled with statues that turn into water once we destroy them."

Her tone was full of worry and her eyes glanced over to the man behind Ryan who had been quiet the entire time. Her ruby eyes froze stiff for a split second and she smiled naturally while saying," I'm sure Kanza will be fine. He's strong despite his personality at times. And this is...?"

Following her gaze, Ryan pushed down his mixed feelings. Why was he introducing the heroine and villain to each other.

"This is..." Oh wait, he just almost forgot Claude never told him his name and fucked himself over. He very naturally connected from his previous words, "Sir Knight. Call him sir Knight."

"..." Alicia's smile almost faltered for a moment and she looked at the purple haired man who very naturally saluted with a natural smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you young lady. You may call me Sir Knight."

"Yes. I'll do that then. You may call me Alicia, sir knight." Alicia politely greeted back. Then she introduced the midnight-blue haired man, "This is Lukas. He isn't very talkative so please don't take to any offense if he doesn't reply."

Claude glanced at Lukas with mirth before retracting it. "I see. But it doesn't make much of a difference."

"Huh?" Alicia made a confused face.

"I have a chihuahua who acts like this so seeing people act the same makes no difference in my eyes."

Ryan, "..."

Lukas, "..."

Alicia blinked blankly, "..."

"They're very cute." He even dared to add.

'Did he just spite me?' Ryan cursed in his mind. He was beginning to think the chihuahua was a lie, there was never any mention of the villain owning a chihuahua either. And because of Claude's nonsense, it made his mind think out of topic.

"That's nice... "

Even Alicia didn't know how to respond properly.

"Ignore him." Ryan said on the side. 'If you listen to his bullshit, which is even worse than Kanza's, then you'd only lower your IQ while his would stay the same. '

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