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The first lesson passed by like a breeze brushing past my face.

The sky was still bright and it was already the afternoon. The sun shone through the window and down into the hallways, warming the air.

I had no reason to stay any longer once the bell rang. Anton dismissed the class and left at his own pace. I collected the flimsy booklet and left without saying goodbye to Archie but I did nod to Daniel.

After every lesson, there would always be a 15 minute break before next lesson.

Looking at my timetable, I had classics next. Hopefully, it would be able to fill in the holes in my knowledge of this world.

I still remember when I went to do the quests from the adventure guild, I had to spend a lot of time asking and paying for information. Even a map wasn't as helpful, I wish I had my phone so I could search on Google maps for help instead of using my brain to decipher where I was going.

At this point, I was thinking of how to create an automatic map made of magic but then I realised, isn't it based off my own knowledge? 

Therefore, learning about the history and geography of the world is a must!

I picked up my pace thinking like so. I never liked history or geography in my previous world because it was boring but a fantasy world was completely different.

There were so many places to visit and explore, and the names of some places just wets the appetite-



Shocked, I abruptly stepped backwards and felt myself swaying from my unbalanced body.

Within a few seconds, I got myself back to normal and stood steadily while rubbing my face. My nose was slightly painful.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I apologised awkwardly with a cold tone.

My voice was a bit muffled since I was rubbing my face but the other didn't seem to mind as I heard his voice as well.

"Oh no, it should be me apologising instead. I didn't notice someone in front of me after all. My apologies. "

What a... pleasant voice. It was so polite, so gentle and so... Sexy, fuck-

Suzuki Ren get a hold of yourself, you have heard much sexier voices than this! No, why am I even thinking this in the first place?

I looked up (because this man is taller than me rolls eyes) and was stunned stiff into a daze. For a second, I think I forgot to breath.

Bright blonde hair with a pastel shade shimmering under the luminous glow of the sun.

White, silken skin with not a flaw in sight reflecting the warm glow of the sun like shiny pearls on the sandy beach.

And a face with features so mezmorising, it was comparable to a siren lulling sailors in the vast ocean.

A pair of purple eyes similar to amethysts rippled gentle waves with a faint reflection of my own face inside as if I was his entire world-

This man was fucking gorgeous!!!

What the fuck?!

A fucking strike!!!

My visibly stunned state was noticed by the other as he smiled gently with a question mark sprouting from his head. "Excuse me, are you alright?"

His hand reached out all of a sudden and brushed along the edges of my face. That was when I realised my own spaced out dumbness and felt some embarrassment, I avoided his touch and backed away a little.

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