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The ride took about three days. From the distance, I could see the academy which would become a place hidden with crouching dragons and phoenixes.

A long line of carriages were in front of the gate where travellers would come. Due to the enrolment of students, the line had doubled and possibly even tripled making the wait longer. That scum of a father didn't care whether it would take a long time or not for me to arrive.

His only son was Louis Albrecht; no Ryan Albrecht would come into his eyes. It was fine with me, it wouldn't make me feel guilty for what I would do to him in the future.

My pass and entry was quite smooth. Although the horseman moving my carriage was unpalatable, it was bearable. My mind had blanked out for the entire ride.

I suddenly felt even more heaviness in my heart, somewhere deep inside, I felt as though I was also suffocating.

Rauxirth Academy had no school uniform but they had a dress code where they had to resemble a uniform, as for what colour and what design, it was all up to the person themselves. The ones given to me by that scum father were plain and simple, clearly not worthy for a noble but enough not to gain any attraction.

I didn't like those clothes, it wasn't in line with what I liked to wear so I prepared my own clothes instead.

I wore a black uniform with black boots, there was some gold inlaid for the details but I mainly kept it simple but elegant. I also wore black gloves to hide some small scars, it had been a long time since I last revealed them.

Apart from the shoulder up, my whole body was wrapped tightly in black, not revealing any skin.

When I arrived at the academy, the carriage had left the moment I stepped off. I rolled my eyes inwardly, snapping my fingers before walking through the gates.

Whatever happens to that coachman has nothing to do with me. My eyes flashed with ruthlessness at the departing carriage. "... A sea of snakes lay in slumber until an unsuspecting transgressor reaches the impass of no return."

After that, I paid no more attention to something that wouldn't exist much longer.

Rauxirth Academy was really huge, the buildings were extravagant, there were many sectors and departments from what I could see. The colour theme of this place seemed to be a navy blue colour.

The floor I was stepping on was made of marble, there was a reflection of light curving on every marble brick. It looked incredibly dazzling.

The buildings were similar to how castles in fantasy games looked but it was also slightly different, the walls weren't made from ordinary material, it was made from special ore found in this world which wouldn't easily break from magic attacks or physical attacks.

I learnt this from the novel when the protagonist broke the walls with just his strength, completely shocking the teachers.

This was because not only was it made from special ore, it even had magic formations surrounding the buildings for double protection so it was no surprise the protagonist was seen as a genius.

I felt like that was only included in the plot to showcase how powerful the protagonist is.

As I looked around, I saw many people. Most of these people were nobles who dressed up all fancy while commoners wasn't as big. If I remembered right, there is heavy discrimination against commoners by the nobles.

The more arrogant ones would start bullying them to show their superiority,even resorting to harassment of nobles of lower status than themselves or collecting them as followers.

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