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Chapter 32


Ryan's voice was overshadowed when Alicia called his name but he was too lazy to carry on his conversation with Claude so he reacted to her call.


"We were deciding to go with Jake to see if he found the exit. What do you think?"

Claude was a little unhappy their conversation was interrupted but he said nothing and stood to watch their discussion. His eyes drifted from the members of their group before landing on Jake with his amber eyes narrowed, a little flutter of dust dispersing into the air.

The group had no destination and so decided to follow Jake for now since he said he had a clue.

"Do you mind?"

Surprisingly, Ryan had a conscience to ask for sir knight's opinion despite all his teasing.

"I don't."

Claude responded mildly.

Maybe the conscience part wasn't quite accurate, Ryan knew the villain was powerful so he wanted to take advantage and use him to fight in case of another powerful foe entering the stage.

After walking for a while, the group had been ambushed by a crowd of statues after statues. Avoiding them and running only created a larger swarm to form to the point the place was overcrowding.

"Why are there so many statues?!"

"It wasn't like this before..."

Jake replied faintly. His appearance seemed genuinely sincere but something about it just seemed off but nobody could put any attention on it.

Lukas' veins were bulging from having to run around and struck a deadly attack across the tunnel. A row of statues shattered and fell to the floor as a puddle of water.

Water slimes began forming and attacked Kanza, chasing after him like a lion.

"Why! Is! It! Chasing! After! Me?! Of all people!! "

Kanza ran with all his might while gritting his teeth. The sight which befell Ryan and Claude was a small human running around in circles while being chased by a big blob of water.

It was kind of hilarious.

" Okay enough play time, hurry up and kill it." Ryan said emotionlessly.

"This is NOT fair!"

Kanza complained, why isn't Ryan helping him, he's just standing there, watching him.

'Hmph, fine then. I know it's weakness anyways.'

Kanza stopped and turned around, running to the water slime.

Ryan was taken aback. Kanza was swallowed by the water slime and floated around. He held his breath and took out his paintbrush, opening his eyes to search around.

When he spotted a little orb, his eyes shined and he shot paint balls in its direction. He repeated this until the orb cracked and broke. The water slime stopped moving and splattered to the floor.

"Ow..." Kanza rubbed his sore bottom, wet from head to toe yet again.

"You have a really... unique way of fighting." The tone was indescribable, somewhat speechless. Kanza grinned and put up a peace sign.

Lukas was using violence, smashing the statues to death and exploding the slimes with sheer physical strength. His exquisite facial features were like glaciars, cold and solitary.

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