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Ryan's POV

The last one who had a slave collar still on was the giant guy who was by far the strongest of the bunch. I brushed his long hair over.

The jewel was blue.

A blue jewel meant he was a level 5 slave. He was not just stronger, but significantly stronger. Why would a level 5 be a slave for this shitty noble who's not even strong? And how did he became a slave in the first place? With his strength... That shouldn't be possible.

"Huh?" what's this?

A tattoo? And now that I think about it, some of the scar marks appears to have a pattern as they were all made the same size. Ignoring the obvious battle wounds, some could be made out but I didn't understand what any of it made.

The tattoo was shaped in a crescent circle with sharp edges like thunder.

"Hey guys, I just noticed something. But how come there are no guards?? Like shouldn't this place have security at least? And what are we gonna do about this whole mess?"

Kanza put up a good point, he went to Alicia for answers because he knew she had the biggest brain out of them all.

Alicia didn't know whether to feel happy or exasperated." Remember what senior Lukas said? We accidentally wandered into the black market where all types of things happen here. I'm not too familiar with the laws in the O'Phellia Empire as I haven't researched enough about them but most laws in this country doesn't exist in any other countries. In other words, it's eccentric. "

'Or crazy.' I inwardly added. The Althaus kingdom allowed slave trading as well but it was in the civil movement of getting abolished currently and was even succeeding.

The only discontented one's were of course the nobles who enjoyed having slaves, Louis for example cough cough cough. But that guy wouldn't show it at all for the sake of his 'image'. One day, that facade will be ripped down by me. But for now, I'll let him build his reputation just so the impact will be worse for him.

"Just leave them all here." I said while walking away. "I'm leaving."

"Hey wait wait wait- Ryan?? What the hell?" Kanza was left scratching his head in confusion. "Then what do we do about this guy?"

He pointed to the bruised up, swelling chubby noble who was on the floor. Alicia just smiled at Kanza and followed Ryan with Jake tailing along like a dog.

"Hah?" Kanza was left with his mouth hanging wide with a blank face. In the end, he shrugged and also went with them, not wanting to be left behind.

When they were finally out of sight, the chubby noble rolled to his side and groaned, opening his barely unharmed eyes and dug his fingers into the dirt. 'Those damn bastard... Rauxirth they said? I'm going to kill them!'

He put his hand inside his dirtied golden suit and pulled out a sphere. The sphere glowed and a figure appeared, speaking quite coldly and impatiently. "What do you want?"

The chubby noble teared up in, making his already beat up face even more unbearable to look at. "Brother, you have to avenge me! Some bastards from some place called Rauxirth almost killed me!"

The man on the other side scrunched his face in disgust. " You called me for such a ridiculous reason? First you secretly took several slaves out, worse yet, the level 5 slave without permission and now you're telling me you almost died? "

His voice sharpened harshly as he asked in a commanding tone. "Where is it?"

"That..." The chubby noble flinched in fear. He couldn't tell his older brother it was dead but the expression on his face, though hard to tell, the other knew what his stupid brother was like at this point.

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