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"I finally caught you."

The chubby noble was lying on the ground with a bruised nose and busted lip, a few more bruises here and there like the black eye on his face.

'Giving me so much trouble, does he think he's Usain Bolt? But it's not a lie to say that he can actually run.'

I dragged him by the collar across the floor back to where Alicia and Kanza were. They should be having a hard time dealing with that big guy, my hand was still throbbing just thinking back.

Why does the O'Phellia empire have such a strong person as a slave of all things? And for this fucking pig.

"I-I am... My papa is the biscount ob bis terrioty! You better let go oh meh-"

I roughly pulled him up, his squealing and bruised up face was incredibly unsettling to look at. I looked at him like a dead thing and said, " You think you can threaten me in this situation? Maybe if you speak properly and apologise, I'll let you leave here in tact."

"You're nobing but a mere commner-"

"Hah." I let out a scoff by accident. "Commoner this, commoner that. I'm so sick of hearing the same thing. And what made you assume I'm a commoner? I'm half you fucking ass. Get it right."

I picked him up in his panic that he actually spoke properly. "What are you doing?! Let go of me you commoner rat!"

Lifting him, I threw him into the air and as his body fell down, I kicked him and sent him flying across the street mid-air.


"Hah. This is much better." I watched him flounder, he looked like he was ready to pass out. I kicked him like a ball all the way through the streets.

When I got back to the area, I sensed something wasn't right. The vicinity appeared to have been cleared of most people, leaving only the stall owners and uninterested passersbys.

I got back to see a few extra people and a passed out ginger head on the floor. But most of all, my face twitched as I smelt blood in the air and on the ground. I dropped the heavy thing in my hand.

My eyesight immediately went to the gaint man who almost crushed my hand. He was lying on the floor motionless, a large, deep cut on his back. I went up to approach the body and checked for his pulse, nothing.

"Who killed him?"

I shifted my sight to Alicia healing Kanza and Jake. Alicia looked at me hesitantly and shifted her eyes slightly. "That..."

Kanza shot up and dashed over, pouncing on me with relief all over his face. "Ryan~~ You don't know what happened to me! I was abused so badly I broke my ribs! I can hardly move at all, it's so painful I think I'm gonna die ahhh. "


I was not interested in his injuries whatsoever, it had already been healed by Alicia from what I saw just now." You're over here prancing around and complaining so I'm sure you can suck it up and tell me what happened here. Who killed him? "

" Errr... I..." Kanza stuttered before pointing over to a certain direction discreetly and whispered into my ear, "That senior did. The handsome one."

"Thanks." I flicked Kanza off me and approached Lukas who flicked the blood off his sword.

"Hey." I called out.

Lukas looked at me sideways with a look that said 'What do you want?' while sheathing his sword.

"Why did you kill him?" My tone was even as I asked.

His hand rested on the hilt of his sword as swept his eyes over me, "You're asking me why I killed him?"

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