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Ryan's POV

I'm not sure how long I walked down the tunnel but I think I got myself lost. Not like I knew the place but, turning corners over and over without finding anything made it hard not to feel frustrated inside.

The walls had some type of pattern over it so I went over to inspect, faintly noticing the similarities between the patterns from the villages of the white houses.

The sticky substance was on the walls and floor, keeping these ruins crystal clean despite the years. After walking for so long, I finally saw something different for once. There was a door at the end of the tunnel with a carving of water spirits.

Water streams were at the sides of the walls, drips of water sounded everywhere I went. I hesitated on whether to open it or not for a while before thinking, screw it. I cast body enhancement magic and pushed the door which slid open surprisingly easily.

The other side was a large room with nothing but a statue of Undine, the high spirit with a vase spilling a fountain of water down on the crevices of the floor, which spread out into different places.

I walked up to it. The Falak tribe outdid themselves when it came to worshipping the water spirits. It's a shame they were destroyed.

... BAM!

I flinched and turned my head around. The door closed on me and I didn't even know there were two statues built beside the door. Squinting my eyes a little, the statues were holding a spear and bow.

They appeared to be warriors and judging by the attire, they may be the falak tribe guarding this place. Hold on, did the statue just move...?

Must be my imagination right? I blinked to double check and I froze right there...

"No fucking way..."

They're moving.

The statues began walking with stiffness, the movements were jerky and there was no fluidity in them but then, the statue with the spear started running with the spear pointed at me.

I dodged with ease in succession because the attacks were slow. It didn't take much effort and I felt like I could do this with both eyes closed.


From behind, the statue with the bow shot an arrow. When I looked at the ground, there was a dent on the floor. The arrow was made of water but it had been compressed into something deadly.

I took a step back and two clones of myself suddenly came out. They dashed out on both sides of the spear statue and we threw our butterfly knives with a string of aura attached.


I bent my finger and the knife swirled round and struck at the bow statue acreoss the room. The water arrow and butterfly knife clashed, breaking the knife and piercing through my clone.

However, there were still two other knives and one pierced the right arm while the other hit the left arm. The statue broke apart and the rocks chipped off.

I thought it would end there but my face changed. Underneath the chipped rocks, there was... water inside?

The water didn't crash to the ground either, it was in the same shape as the statues. Something's wrong. I instantly flashed away from the spear statue and it exploded on where he stood at previously.

It quickly gathered itself again and the bow statue approached the spear statue and fused together into a massive glob of water. My face didn't look very good. "Is this a slime?"

Nevermind, it wasn't time to guess its identity. Can I just hit it with fire? Cutting it up won't do anything to an intangible body.

I held out my hand and said, "[Flame thrower]."

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