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The very next day, we heard the news that Jake had been found in the ruins, life still in tact. Don't know whether to say it was a shame or not, but he was brought back barely hanging onto his life.

He was able to survive due to the artifact Jake was holding which saved his life at the crucial moment. He cried and wept so horribly that the entire mansion was filled with his sobs for half a day.

Although he stopped crying as soon as Alicia came to visit him, making him incredibly happy that he was noticed and began acting like a baby around her. He also demanded that we go back to Althaus immediately, he didn't want to stay in a country where he almost died any longer.

I also expressed my desire to go back, which everyone else followed along. The viscount was very efficient and booked us a flight back to Althaus.

At the same time, he also came up to me asking, "Are you Ryan?"

"Yes...?" I was surprised the viscount knew my name when the next words followed.

"This is for you."

He handed me a box and explained to me in my confusion.

"Someone asked me to give this to you on their behalf."

"Thank you for going out of your way Viscount."

I took it and bowed. I was curious what was inside. What could the third prince of O'Phellia possibly give me? It should be a chest full of Dias or a valuable artifact right? I'll open it up later, even if I got a crappy reward, I would still take it. I didn't expect anything when I was forced to help.

Time to head back to Rauxirth. This had to be one of the most exhausting trips I've ever been to in my entire life.

* * *

"Have they set off already?"


"Yes, the airship departed at late sunset."


"I see." Claude rested his head on his hand and moved the chess piece forwards.

"What do you think of them?"

Elliot had a thoughtful expression as he moved his chess piece.

"I think that the group consists of highly skilled individuals. The one with black hair with a sword hanging by his waist, the red haired girl and the white haired boy are the most notable."

"Checkmate. You've lost Viscount."

"Yes. It appears so." Elliot pushed his glasses up with a straight face.

Claude smiled with closed eyes and crossed his legs. "Rauxirth's new students are very interesting. This year will be a lot of fun, don't you think so Viscount?"

"Do you mean..."

Elliot's eyes widened slightly.

Clack clack clack.

Claude dropped all the chess pieces over the chess board and chuckled.

"This is only one of the presents I have in store. My eldest brother will surely have the time of his life."

Elliot was stood by the window of the study room, watching the carriages moving outside and the guards doing their duties.

'Claude Idris De O'Phellia. You are planning something that will drive the First prince crazy. No, it won't only be the first prince. It will definitely drive everyone crazy.'

* * *

"Rauxirth! I missed this place so much! Who knew this was possible! Muah!"

"Kanza, I don't think kissing the floor is very clean..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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