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"Our next stop should be this place." Alicia pointed on the map.

The map showed nine red landmarks, three of which that had been crossed out. Alicia circled the next one and put the map away. The next location was a little trickier to go to but luckily, there were guides with a flag in their hands, pointing them to the right direction.

Ryan lagged behind the group a little. Lukas was by the rear to the right with Elijah following him from behind. Occasionally, Lukas would turn his head like a passing glance to the back before pulling back to bushes and tree tops.

He had been having this feeling that the forest wasn't much to his liking. The leaves were too big, the bushes were too thick and the ground was too steep and uneven.

After exploring the white houses, other than the strange substance and carvings, the signs of war and time had passed through this land.

Some of the white houses had been demolished and the fences which surrounded the villages were broken and rusted into mold and fertiliser for the plants to grow.

They didn't know how long they had to walk for and Alicia could only estimate from the previous villages. It would take around two hours if they were solely going through a straight line but it wasn't as simple with the geography of the land.

Ryan was too lazy to follow the high energy Kanza and squatted by a tree which had a small in the middle at the very bottom of the ground. Small brown mushrooms grew near it so Ryan observed with a blank face.

He was about to stretch out his hand to touch but was startled when he heard a faint scream. The others heard it as well as they turned their heads in the direction of the scream.

Kanza was especially keen, stating with righteous fire in his eyes. "Is that a lady's voice I hear screaming in the distance?! I must rescue her, she must be in serious danger!"

He dashes over without a single, extra thought.

"Kanza? Wait- Where are you going?!" Alicia shouted. Jake walked to her side and shook his head and shrugged while snidely remarking.

"Probably trying to be the hero saving a beauty. But who knows if the damsel in distress is a beauty or a beast!"

"Stop speaking nonsense and move." A low yet soft voice sounded in a commanding tone, naturally belonging to the albino teenager.

Ryan walked past Jake, not even passing him a single glance, to where Kanza ran off to. He cursed inside his head and silently coughed to himself, gripping the blanket over his head harder than it needed to be.

... ...

Rustling through the leaves, Kanza spotted the figure of a woman surrounded by men in black clothes.

His eyes constricted as he shouted angrily. "What do you think you're doing?! Get away from her!"

He pulled out his paintbrush and chanted. Multiple paint balls came out of the tip and shot over at the men in black.

The men in black dodged and went after him with their daggers. Waving his paintbrush like a calligraphy master, Kanza pulled a defensive stance as he snarled. "Come at me you scoundrels! You think your black outfit works in the daytime?! You stick out like black paint on a white canvas Hah!"

Multicoloured paint balls continued to fly out and as the men in black arrived almost instantly in his face, the paint balls suddenly sprayed out and splattered over.

Kanza moved back and smirked triumphantly." Ha ha ha ha! My amazingness never ceases to amaze me, I'm so smart oh yes Kanza, you are THE MAN! You get it like no othar~"

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