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Chapter 30

Over at Elijah's side, he had come across a few water statues which he dealt with for some time. He had been running the entire time, searching for any traces of his young master.

However, he was met with naught but more and more tunnels, welcomed by statue after statue. He was so angry, he didn't bother fighting anymore and directly zoomed past them with a magic item.

After what seemed like an eternity, Elijah saw a light in the distance and thought, 'Maybe Young master had gotten out of this wretched place.'

He quickly stepped up and ran to the end of the tunnel and was greeted by the sun's brightness, causing his eyes to hurt from being underground for so long.

The luscious, green leaves and the familiar rainforest surrounded him. He looked back to the tunnel which seemed more like a hidden cave or hideout.

'Should I go back in or get external help? The family head's orders to watch over his every move and this is a complete failure of my job!'

Self-hatred rumbled in his heart with a twinge of jealousy. He hated how the young master got along with Alicia, that slutty bitch. Just seeing him open his mouth just for other people to listen to his voice was just... unacceptable!

His young master Lukas belonged to the Lockhart family, a great weapon and a tool used for them but no matter how he was treated by others, he remained a stone, cold face.

Elijah really really really wanted to see a different expression, maybe a flush? Just a simple one... Or was that too much?

He didn't even realise his breath had gone heavy from thinking so much about the young master and extinguished the fire lighting inside.

Elijah had seen first hand Lukas' strength and wasn't worried about his life but his safety was to be insured, who knew what distrusting creatures lay inside that could sully his majestic prestige.

So he made up his mind and went into the rainforest.

...  ...

"Oh dear."

Claude stopped Ryan from falling to the ground. It was a little out of expectation that Ryan would faint so quickly so he was mildly surprised but the shock on his face was pretty entertaining to look at itself.

He stared at his sleeping face with slight nostalgia and complex emotions before brushing the back of his fingers across the other's cheek, brushing the white hair to the side.

The blood around his mouth was unsightly, added with his ghastly complexion, Ryan looked exactly like a corpse that had died for quite a while. The faint heartbeat was the only indicator that he was still alive, but barely.

But Claude didn't seem to notice and continued to brush his hair to the side while admiring his face and smiled softly.

"We meet again, my angel."


Ryan's eyelashes fluttered intermittently and his fingers moved. He heard an unfamiliar but soothing voice speak out words that finally snapped him out of his sleepy daze.

"You're awake. Good morning sleeping beauty, did you sleep well?"

A fist suddenly attacked but Claude avoided it by moving his head to the side.

"Our sleeping beauty has quite the morning temper it seems."

Facing Claude's remark, Ryan calmly stared at him and said, "This is a reflex."

A reflex I have for a bitch that tries to fuck me over.

"And I told you to shut it with the stupid nicknames."

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