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'Shit, they know my name?! Wait a second...'

Ryan turned round, placing his hand on his chest while chanting a calming mantra to himself and peeked out a little.

The ends of his hair poked out and the other person spoke out in realisation and certainty and smiled, "I know it's you. Do you not remember me already? I'm a bit disheartened."

'Oh that lovely and seggsy (sexy) voice sounds like cough cough cough cough excuse me-'

Ryan stepped out, revealing himself to which he could also fully see the other's appearance in full display and cleared his throat somewhat exaggeratedly while looking sideways.

"I remember... Senior."

Ley looked at Ryan with warm eyes as Ryan approached him with an awkward look on his face (not that it was very noticeable).

Now that they knew it was each other, Ley softens his smile and says, "I didn't expect to meet you again so soon."

"... Yeah, me neither."

'Who would've expected to see you in less than a day after our first meeting.'

It also wasn't a surprise to Ryan how he still looked handsome even in the dark where he couldn't even see his own fingers properly (maybe that's because you're wearing black gloves Ryan).

"What are you doing here senior?" Ryan asked with somewhat curious set of eyes but he tried not to make it obvious by asking it casually. "The sun's not even up yet."

"Hmm, me? Well..." Ley had his eyes closed in wonder before opening them again and responded with his pleasant voice. "I guess I'm here... to patrol against naughty juniors who are past the curfew like you."

There was a lick of teasing in his tone as he tilted his head over.

Ryan had eyes filled with doubt and disbelief. "You're joking right? Rauxirth makes students do patrol?"

Ley chuckled at his question and found Ryan amusing. "They do if you sign up for it."

Ryan casted a look of judgement at Ley who could tell what he was thinking. "I didn't sign up for it so don't worry, I won't be marking you down. I came to do my assignment."

"Assignment?" Ryan repeated doubtfully.

Ley gestured Ryan to follow him and they passed through some bushes, hiking upwards as if they were climbing a mountain. Ryan, confused and wondering where his senior was taking him while glancing around, heard Ley's voice drift over.

"We're here." Ley moved over, letting Ryan see the view.

"Woah..." Ryan couldn't help letting out a gasp at the scene.

Fireflies hung around a pond hidden deep within the deep forest with vines wedded through each branch, like a lace drooping into arcs. The pond wasn't very big; though dark, the pond was extremely clear like a mirror reflecting the light of the land onto the surface of the water.

"This is really pretty..."

"Right?" Ley responded lightly. He put his hand out, attracting fireflies over as they glowed in the dark, circling around his finger.

"You can only see this scene at night and I've been drawing it the entire time."

'Senior does art?' But then Ryan remembered what Ley had previously told him.


"You can find me occasionally by the Liegiath greenhouse near the art building."

That also reminded him of the unwashed handkerchief and he inwardly smacked himself in the face.

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