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Ryan's POV

"Intruders... there's intruders... they must... must... die..."

"Must die..."

"Intruders must die..."

"They killed us... They're killing us..."

"Have to fight back..."

"Fight back..."

"Fight back..."

"Fight back..."

I let out a groan. What the hell was I hearing in my head? The same voice was speaking but too many words were said at the same time that it gave me a headache.

But it slowly came to me the familiar voice and the words I could make out became clear.

I was inside that child made of black energy.

"I just want to live..."

"Why are they killing us?"

"Why are they doing this to us?"

"People are coming..."

"I can hear their footsteps..."

The voice was still talking in my head, whispering words over and over again in a tone full of begging, fear, anger, resentment.

"Hey." I called out coldly.

"What are you talking about? Who's the intruders and who are you?"

"Intruders... there's intruders... must die... gotta get rid of them... got-got a get rid... rid..."

I sighed with annoyance. They weren't listening to me and their mind was clearly out of it. Seems like they're in an illusion of their own nightmares.

"Who are the intruders?" I asked once again with a more powerful voice. "Stop repeating yourself and tell me something useful."

The whisperings continued and as I was beginning to get irritated from the headache it was giving me, I released multiple butterfly knives out, wrapping them in my aura.

The knives did no damage and I couldn't even see any marks in the darkness but the whisperings finally stopped and the sound of a child sobbing entered my ears.

I got a headache once again. I walked aimlessly, trying to follow the sobbing and met a child crying on the floor with his head turned back.

The child's back reminded me of the dream I had before, making something within me move. I bit my lip and clicked my tongue, approaching the child and crouched down to their level.

"What are you crying for?" I tried to soften my tone but it was still difficult to warm it when my persona preferred to be cold.

I tried again, softening it even more. "What's wrong? What is a big child like you crying for? Your parents would be sad to see you this way."

"Hic..." The child stopped with their sobbing and turned their head sideways while trying to wipe the tears.

I let out a small smile. "See? It wasn't that hard was it?"

I reached out my arm but the child was too afraid, expressing his caution by backing away. I withdrew it and said calmly, " I won't hurt you. It's your choice whether to believe me or not. I just want to know who you are and why you're crying. "

The silence between us was like a thin line testing my patience. I was quite patient actually, I didn't rush them and it worked out.

The child accepted me by dropping their arm down. They crawled closer to me and grasped my hand hesitatingly after a few seconds of deliberation.

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