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Ryan's POV

The distance between the two were closed in an instant. Emily's sword gushed out and struck at Aston, who blocked it with the blade.

She took a step back before launching forwards again and thrusted her sword out. Every single one of her attacks were nearly countered by Aston who still retained a leisure face.

Fustration seemed liddened within her eyes after her repeated failures. Not once had Aston attacked but it felt like she was being played with. When she thrusted forwards once more, the grip on the handle hardened. Her sword became two swords, and two swords became four swords, the speed in her hand movement was so fast, people let out gasps.

She was going at Aston like a hyena injected with steroids. No doubt she was aiming to beat him but... Dreams just can't beat reality.

Emily's sword was stopped by Aston, the corner of his lip curved upwards into a smile. "You're very talented, at your age. Very agile and decisive but..."




The sword stabbed into the training ground. Emily's eyes looked behind her as her arm was knocked backwards.

"You're a bit too impulsive and your attacks are very simple and straightforwards. Even with your highly advantageous speed, those with more skill and calmness will be able to break your momentum with ease. "

Standing on the spot, Emily pursed her lips but said nothing in the end, flipping her long blonde hair, she went to pick up the sword and bowed.

" Thank you for your teaching professor. "

" Don't be too upset. "Aston said.

" Your sword style isn't suitable for the standard sword. "

" Yes professor. " Emily went back to the group and stood on her own in deep thought. The surrounding students still glanced at her with some amazement.

" Okay okay it's my turn now isn't it?! Teacher I'm next!! " Archie jumped out instantly and went to the sword rack where he chose two swords.

"We sure have lots of enthusiastic students in this class now don't we?"

Aston saw Archie dual wielding making his eyes shimmer in interest. "Double swords huh... Let's see your skills why don't we."

Archie had a toothy grin on, his eyes shining brightly like the scorching sun. "Teacher, I'm gonna start now."

Come to think of it, I had never thought of Archie's skills before but now I was particularly piqued. I asked Daniel next to me, "What's Archie's skill in the sword? Is it good?"

Daniel had a calm expression and smiled friendly to me. "I wouldn't say good..."

"?" so it's bad?

"In my opinion, he is one of the best."


"!" Aston defended using his sword but in an instant, a silent attack suddenly wound its way behind him. He diverted the strike at the front to the back and double clashed.

Archie's body twisted and he jumped back from the fight only to dash right in again. His attacks were continuous, never stopping for even a second.

Clang! Clang! Clink!

His movements were extremely agile and precise, with reflexes that could put a monkey to shame. This type of rabid feralty was overbearing and intense, surprising Aston as well as spectating students.

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