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Classics was a mixture of language, history and geography.

The professor started off by sending us a massive booklet, and by massive, I meant it was around 4 inches thick!

Oh, and when I tried to lift it up, I think I almost broke my arms.

Actually, I don't think I can survive classics anymore. Oh, what is this? I think this booklet can split in half.

I seperated the booklet to find the size halved. The fisrt half had a big font reading 'History Content'.

Hhh, hold on. I think I can hear my brain telling me something. Oh yeah, it's telling me "Where the fuck do you think you can store all this fucking history in your brain huh?! You think your brain capacity is so good??? You overestimate yourself Ryan Alb-idiot!"

The other half was of course, the practice exam questions 。*゚+ ~

Flipping inside, I almost had the urge to throw my book and smack it to the floor, then grab a bazooka and blow it to smithereens.

They were all essay based questions that wanted me to explain why so and so happened and why this and this would cause that and that.

I didn't want to think about it.

Then the professor spoke, dousing me with a bucket of cold water. "History will be the first topic of this semester. Once we've finished going through the booklet content, the next semester will be language, then geography. At the very end of each semester, there will also be an end of unit test so revision is a key reminder. "

Unlike the swordsmanship class who all groaned in pain at having to do a small section of essay work, almost all the students were accepting of the situation while I couldn't find any like-minded companions who should've regretted choosing this course like me by now.

Fuck you classics, you cheated me-

"Don't worry, although it looks like a lot, classics is a pretty enjoyable course and answering these questions with me as your teacher will be a breeze as long as you work diligently." The professor was a woman appearing around her 30s or 40s but she was very lively, even her fine lines appeared quite endearing.

Her rimmed glasses flicked a little light as she smiled at her new students happily." If you want to pass classics, then I recommend going to the grand library and studying there. As the saying goes, quoted from the 17th King of the Althaus kingdom, who claimed the thrown through his own effort and wit against his other genius siblings, "Hard work beats talent if talent doesn't work hard.", understand? "

She capped her hands and said, " Now then, let us introduce ourselves to each other now that we got the booklet out of the way. I am Tessana Grance, and you may call me professor Grance!"

Then a student raised their hand up and asked, "Professor, can I call you professor Tessana instead?"

Professor Grance immediately shot them down. "Of course not! Calling me professor Grance sounds more fitting."

"But but, if we call you professor Tessana, you sound much younger."

"Oh, younger you say?" She fakely coughed with a little blush on her face and slapped the podium.

"Nonsense! Let us start with your introduction first since you like to speak so much."

"Okay!! I'm Dilan Suferger and..."

"Ah, my name is Lezlie Nequizel..."

"Wendel Macday..."

Next, it reached my row and Kanza next to me introduced himself very enthusiastically to the point I could almost notice a small flush on his cheeks!

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