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Ryan's POV

Ah... Shit.

How the fuck does shit happen to me?

I've lived my life as such a kind and passive person, always unwilling to make trouble, acting like a saint with no halo and yet, some bastards just like to come cause trouble for such an unproblematic human such as me.

"Do you know how expensive these shoes are?? Look at how you've fucked them up with your dirty shoes stepped over mine."

I looked at him right in the eyes, like seriously, what is his problem??

This small ass man, shorter than me, with a plump ass body that would ooze melted lard if I fried him over the pan, was standing in front of me with a flashy, shiny yellow suit, sunglasses and golden coloured teeth, giving me a dirty look as if I had just dirtied his one million dollar suit that looks as tacky as elderly clothes.

I think I'm the one who should be feeling offended not the other way around.

"Ignoring me huh? Do I look like someone you can just mess with then ignore??"

He stomped his foot out, showcasing his squeakily clean, polished shoes with my footprint over the top and said, "Pay me 500 dias right now and I'll let you go."

The crowd gasped. "500 dias??"

"Who would have that much money on hand?"

"That boy look pretty young, how unlucky to be caught by that noble of all people."

Kanza heard the whispers and freaked out, wanting to go over to Ryan to support him but was stopped by Alicia.

"Alicia? What are you doing, we need to help Ryan."

Alicia held her grip and said, "Wait."


Jake intervened and growled, "Shut up and listen to her."

Kanza was beginning to hate Jake more and more and pouted.

"We don't know the situation and mindlessly jumping in wouldn't be good, even if we want to provide support for Ryan." Alicia analysed.

"But they said Ryan had to pay a lot of money, we can just give them our money and then leave." Kanza pointed restlessly.

Jake scoffed at Kanza, disdainful of his naivety. "Do you know how much 500 dias is? That's 5 million gold!"

"WHAT?!?! FIVE MILLION???" Kanza dumbfoundedly exclaimed.

"Even if we bring all our money together, we can't even reach a thousand, never mind 5 million. And why would we pay for him anyways? He brought it on himself the idiot." Jake huffed.

Anger built inside Kanza. "Ryan's in trouble! We have to help him."

"Actually..." Alicia mumbled. "I think he's fine just on his own."

"How could you think like that Alicia?! Look at Ryan, he's surrounded by so many big, tall men over 2 feet tall! What if they crush hi...m..."

Kanza's voice trailed off as his mouth widened by the second until his jaw was about to dislocate.




All the muscular men dropped to the floor instantly.

... ...

I tilted my head to the side and said condescendingly," What's wrong with me ignoring such an ugly, greasy, fat, old man who purposely walked into me?"

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