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Just as the answer was on the tip of Archie's tongue, Daniel hurriedly spoke before him. "He's read some storybooks about it and thinks snow is very clean and white like your hair."

Archie blinked at Daniel and nodded to Ryan. "Yeah, I'm complimenting you!"

"Mhm, thanks for the compliment." Ryan calmly said.

In his five years of living in this world, his first compliment about his hair was said.

These people are good! I don't care anymore!

Besides the fact that the Archie exposed the two of them, it's all good!

Who cares if they're immigrants or refugees from another kingdom or unknown village, those who don't scorn his appearance, Ryan doesn't mind being friends with.

Even with Daniel's quick intervention, his rushed answer was too abrupt causing doubt to form in Ryan.

The Althaus Kingdom is known for being spring all year round, that's why seeing snow wouldn't be able to happen at all unless you're not a citizen of the Althaus Kingdom at all.
... ...

The bell rang and the students finally took their seats, most of the people in the swordsman class were males but there were some females.

The door opened and the teacher walked in  and stood at the podium and introduced himself under the eyes of the quietened students.

"Good morning everyone, I will be your swordsmanship teacher for this year and my name is Aston Karsten. it's a pleasure to be able to teach you all, class one."

After hearing the name Aston Karsten, some people in the room breathed out small gasps.

Aston Karsten, one of the 10 legendary swordmasters in the entire continent. Having such a title was tantamount to an internationalised celebrity.

Everyone who knew this man knew that despite his easy going and laidback personality, Aston was never to be underestimated, his power level was off the charts!

News of his rise in fame came from defeating the previous swordsmaster in the 8th spot and those who witnessed the battle could only reply with one word, "Incredible."

Immediately, the backs of the students present straightened up with a serious and studious expression on their faces.

Ryan raised a brow, he didn't understand what was so good about the legendary swordmasters, including Aston Karsten.

After all, didn't they lose to the protagonist in the end?

Ryan couldn't be bothered remembering all the side characters and he didn't have a photographic memory at all, merely smarter than most people.

Aston smiled, his posture was relaxed as he scanned the entire classroom. "Now I know this is your first time being in Rauxirth academy so you will probably not know each other. So we will start with everyone introducing themselves, alright?"

His eyes darted from one student to another."Hmm... Let's start with you then."

Aston pointed at Archie who was sitting straight with an innocent expression on his face.

Archie, "?"

"The teacher's calling you to introduce yourself." Daniel whispered softly.

"Oh right!"

Archie stood up abruptly and saluted loudly with a confident expression."I'm Archie Rugely teacher!"

Ryan looked over to Archie.

Is this child not embarrassed?? Why did he stand up??

The class also looked at Archie but their expressions were varied. Daniel face palmed.

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