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"No thank you." I politely and profusely declined.

There is absolutely nothing to catch up with you. I'd even prefer it if you just concentrated on whatever you were doing before you even saw me. But he had no intention of doing so and I was not about to be caught in a wall slam the second time.

I slipped over while continuing to speak calmly, " I think you should go back to your original work and ignore a stranger like me. I also don't know how you know my name but I don't know yours so I think..."

"Claude. My name is Claude. My surname is a little long so I'd prefer not to waste my breath over it." He suddenly introduced himself which caught me off guard but the rest of my words still rolled off my tongue.

"...you should forget it..."

I wanted to turn around and just leave but I had to point at the recovered child and say. "Look, I don't care about your name but I think you should be doing something for your country since you are a 'knight' and protect your citizens."

Claude tilted his head to the side, he shifted his eyes to the lower corner and grabbed the child's distorted face. Then, his grip tightened visibly as he followed it up by smashing his head to the ground.


However, Claude wasn't done yet as he smashed the head down again and again and again.

"..." Oi oi oi, he's not planning to kill the kid is he?

"Hold up." I had to pause him from what he was doing. "That's literally a child, you're not planning to kill him are you?" I had no choice but to walk up and stop him if that was the case. His body swiftly shifted and his arm reached out to me. Although I could see it, I couldn't react to it in time. He pulled my wrist forward and hooked his other hand around my waist while letting out a satisfied smirk.

"I won't if you do something for me." Those amber eyes shimmered gold dust around the centre of his pupils, painted with a soft shadow casted by his long lashes. The corner of his eyes lifted slyly like he was waiting for me to say yes.

This bastard.

I cocked my brow upward and asked curiously, "Oh? Then what do you want from me, a nobody and a stranger?"

Claude was incredibly charming, playfulness tinting every part of his facial features. His hand, wrapped around my waist pulled us closer, our chest practically colliding together. Faintly yet clearly, his whispering, deep voice closed into my ear.

"I think coming from a nobody, your body should work perfectly fine." His eyelids dropped downwards slowly, "No?"


I was so taken aback by his words that it repeated in my mind unconsciously like a broken record.

I looked him dead in the eye and coldly reproached, "Are you crazy?"

I wanted to get out but he was much stronger than I expected since I still couldn't get free so I glared at him. "Who's selling their body to you? If you want a quick fuck, go to the brothel instead."

As I struggled in his arms, his grip around me loosened and I took this opportunity to escape. He looked at me with his arms wide open while blinking his eyes in surprise.

"Oh dear." Claude covered his lips with his hand in front of his face while glancing sideways. His eyes then motioned back to me.

"I never thought my words could ever be taken in that direction..." He slowly muttered to himself, but it was in an audio I could still hear.

"It's truly a first time experience." he continued to muse to himself out loud.

"But doesn't that mean you were thinking in that direction towards me?"

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