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The discussion between Professor Cloven and the acting viscount finally ended after five hours of discussion. It was only after we managed to get him to spill the beans that we found out he had been cheated by the viscount.

The viscount said he'd compensate Rauxirth but honestly, they were only going to get a lump sum of money, I realised that this was all bullshit. The viscount was so rich and a little extra money spent to maintain their reputation in face of foreigners was like charity service. Besides, the O'Phellia empire is known as the wealthiest country in the entire continent, also mentioned in the novel like fifty times.

And as for the case with Jake, it was still undergoing investigation. We, the students were compensated by having a free pass to buy anything we wanted in areas under the Inzelkrif's territory during our time here.

And professor Cloven seemed oddly joyful, the amount of sunshine and gloss on his face was way too hard to ignore, especially when you could hear the tunes humming under his breath. We tried to get the information out from his mouth but... on this one occasion, did not end up getting extracted from his mouth.

A little speechless on this matter but all I know is that this teacher should never be used for any diplomatic or trade dealings or else you'd only be suffering a loss at his hands.

I was now sat on a chair made of top quality fabric that I felt like I was sitting on a cloud because of how comfortable it was. My hands clasped together while viewing the expensive scenery of the city.

It's so depressing to probably see every city and town in O'Phellia looking richer than the ones in the Althaus kingdom. We were in Jewellies City, the name of the state the viscount had control over.

It was named Jewellies city solely because of how easy it is to get rich here through trading and business deals. It was on the level of using jewels to buy food. From time to time, there were mana crystals inside streetlamps and the bricks were made of some decent quality materials used for smithing.

I can't even imagine what the capital of O'Phellia would look like.

Just checking the prices in this cafe shop was already dizzying to the brain, around 50 to 200 gold coins on small slices of cake or a single biscuit around the size of half a palm. It was so fucking expensive, I can't say it's worth it...

I'm starting to think the viscount made the best choice ever and did not compensate us unfairly anymore after this. The next stop was a clothing boutique. The only people who went to explore the city was Kanza, Alicia and me.

After what happened yesterday with Elijah, none of us could even breath the same air as each other, our faces had been ripped off and we were going to remain hostile to each other.

"Wow, you look so good in those dresses Alicia-chan." Kanza clapped with twinkling eyes.

"Really? Thank you." Alicia blushed smilingly, a warm tint painting her cheeks. She twirled the green dress around in front of the mirror while holding the hat with her hands.

"What do you think Ryan? Doesn't Alicia-Chan look adorable?"

"Yes." I answered seriously while staring at her. "She suits green. It matches with her eyes and hair."

"You're right, now that I'm looking again. The blue one from before looked good but she looks even better in green." Kanza fisted his own hand as if he had just gained something. " You have a good eye Ryan." He wiggled his brow suggestively.

Alicia's eyes brightened but she tugged at the hem of the dress before looking down, the small blush still present on her face." I don't really wear green but maybe I should try to from now on?"

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