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In the hallways.

Clueless on what to do on the free period, Ryan headed to the canteen. When it comes to the canteen, it can look like a warzone with so many people packed together. Free periods were the best time to get your lunch as the line wouldn't be long.

After skipping breakfast, Ryan was feeling a bit peckish. 'Where's the way to the canteen again? Not that I'd ever been to it.'


The loud shout down the hallway made Ryan jump as he was pounced on from behind.

"Hehehe~ Did you miss me~? Guess who I am?" A hand covered his eyes as the sinking voice of happiness blew into Ryan's ears.

"A bitch." Ryan answered.

"Ehhh??? Why are you swearing at me??? Ryan-chwan~~ This isn't right!" A soft, elastic cheek rubbed against Ryan's side giving him goosebumps.

'Oh hell no, I ain't dealing with this.'

Ryan grabbed their face and pulled the other off him and glared. "Do we look close enough for you to jump me out of nowhere?"

"We're frwiends doe?" Kanza's face was squished making his words muffled.

"That's one-sided. And don't shout my name down the hallway, I don't want unnecessary attention from your embarrassing acts." Ryan let go of Kanza's face and looked at his own hand in disgust before walking off.

Kneading his own face, Kanza followed along while feeling wronged and complained." Why is it one-sided? You don't think of me as a friend? But you're my first friend and if I failed to keep you as a first friend then wouldn't that be embarrassing?"

"Then stay embarrassed." Ryan's reply was ruthless.

"So cold!" Kanza stared outside the window, into the courtyard while speaking.

"Where you going Ryan dearie? I want to come along."

"Drop the dearie and it's none of your business where I go."

"But I can still come along right?" Kanza tilted his head over to look at Ryan's eyes which was looking dead straight, ignoring the man.

After a bit of walking, Ryan finally found his way to the canteen. The maps around the campus were very helpful. The canteen was half empty and the line was abysmal.

Ryan went up to see the food and thought about what to eat. There was sandwiches, different types of curry's, fried meat looking similar to fried chicken and many more. Snacks were to the other isle along with drinks. It was like a buffet where you could pick what you wanted to eat.

The desserts were in another section as well which grabbed more of Ryan's attention. He picked up a plate and gave himself chicken curry rice with some vegetables on the side like broccoli, carrots and peas.

On his tray, he picked up a bottle of water and went over to the dessert section. The dessert section was truly like a paradise, Ryan couldn't help salivating over it.

One of his favourite sweets was macaroons, a luxury food, expensive but craved for in his previous world. The macaroons in Rauxirth were big, around the size of a palm with the filling exposed, slanting the top upwards with fruit and sparkling edible decorations around it.

It was so pretty Ryan couldn't bear to destroy it when he thought about eating it. In the end, Ryan picked the blueberry macaroon king size and left the rest, he could just eat them next time but his heart was hurting on the inside knowing they would be eaten by someone else.

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