•°•The Jeon's•°•

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      As usual it was a busy morning of monday. And everyone was busy with their own lives on the busy street of seoul. Children crossing roads in their school uniforms, men and women in suits going to their work place, street vendors, heavy rush of vehicles and in between this heavy traffic jam was the Rolls Royce wraith of the CEO of Jeon Maison Èlègante. At the back seat was none other than Jeon Jungkook who was impatiently looking at his watch.

"Can you make it a little fast Mr. Bang." Jungkook uttered with much frustration. "We are on the road in between the traffic Mr. jeon not on the sky." Mr. Bang wanted to say but he bit back the bitter reply and said I'll try Mr. jeon with his tight lips.

That is Jungkook. Perfect when it comes to everything which often gives hard time to people around him just like Mr. Bang one among the many employees of Jeon Maison Èlègante. Jeon Jungkook can be as sweet as honey for the people who he calls his everything, but to others he seems like an ice burg which is hard and shows only a small portion of it's enormous figure outside on the surface of water.

Jeon Maison Èlègante is a thriving designing company in all over South Korea. Their symbol "J" in golden plate on the very clothing can say the worth of that piece of clothing with  just a glimpse. That's what makes them the competition for every other rival company. The biggest rival of them being the Kim's with a neck to neck value in the marketing.

After a hassle with traffic Mr.Bang put the brakes in front of the Jeon Maison Èlègante and Jungkook just got out of the car even before the security could open his door, just like everyday but the poor thing still rush to his door side not to face the others wrath. Today is the day to finalize the design for their latest collection "samaira" for women and he cannot be late 'cause his father is already here.

When Jungkook entered the presidents office his father was already seated with all his glory.

Jeon Seojoon. He is just like his son Jungkook; articulate, calculated and fine as a wine, even in his early 40s. But inside, this man is cunning and is baring a lot of secrets that even Jungkook doesn't know.

He has always been moulding Jungkook to  become his ideal son, he wanted that thirst for power and money that comes with business in jungkook, but to his disappointment Jungkook is a hard pod of pea.

Jungkook always hardwork's to bring about the best quality product to the consumers and he does all the charity works in the name of Jeons.
Nevertheless Jungkook just considers his dad as his hero.

"Jungkook you are 15 minutes late. What happened son? Traffic?"

" Yes dad I just caught up in the traffic today, I know its an important day as we are reviewing for the summer collection but I m sorry dad".

" Its alright son don't sweat it.Just look at these I was looking at some of them.  And I can't decide for the teenage collection here."

"Its  alright dad I can check it .But look at dad what my baby has made, I didn't know Yoongi had this essence in him like mom".

Jungkook said looking at his brother's work with adoration

"What do you expect he is a Jeon after all and he is my baby". Seojoon said with a smile on his face.

"After his graduation, he want to join our company ." Jungkook said.

"Yes  he is taking designing seriously." Seojoon said looking at the paper weight in deep thoughts.

"And Jungkook you haven't given me an answer yet son."

Jungkook clearly knew were this conversation was heading and he is not the least bit interested in the matter for now.

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