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"What the f***? Why did you punch my son?"

Seojoon entered the room only to witness his son getting a hard blow on his jaw. Jungkooks lips got cut and it bled a little. He grabbed at his jaw and was ready to punch back but Hobi held him in place. Jungkook and Taehyung equally glared at each other.

"Do you want to know why I punched your son?" Taehyung shoot his question to Seojoon. But Namjoon beat him to it.

"Seojoon we are here for a civilised conversation. So take a seat. " Namjoon said to make the situation a little more calm.

"I don't think you started with a civilised conversation. So don't beat around the bush and tell for what the f*** you are here. " Jungkook said still cupping his jaw. It was hurting like a bitch, but he tried to ignore it.

Seojoon took a seat and crossed his legs. He glared at Namjoon.

"Ok Namjoon you came inside my company and your son hurted my son. Do you think I'll sit here calmly? " Seojoon scoffed.

" When we tell you what your son did, you are definitely not going to be okay Mr.Jeon"

Jungkook gulped at Taehyungs words. He really wanted to tell his dad about Jimin but not like this.

"My brother is pregnant. And your filth of a son is the father. Now what do you have to say?"

Seojoon, "....... "

Hobi,"....... "

Jungkook,"........ "

Everyones froze at their spots with eyes wide and mouth agape. After mustering up the courage Jungkook started.

"W-what d-did you j-just said?"

"What the f*** are you blurting about my son. Do you know to whom you are talking?"
It was Seojoon, he jumped from his seat seething with anger.

"Mr. Jeon my son isn't blurting nonsense, my Jimin is pregnant with Jungkooks child. If you don't believe me you can ask your son."

Seojoon turned to Jungkook who started sweating and looked at everywhere except his dad. He couldn't believe this information. Jimin, with a baby?

"Is he telling the truth Jungkook. Are you the father or did they make up this story. ARE THEY TELLING THE TRUTH JUNGKOOK? "

When Seojoon saw that Jungkook isn't responding, he raised his voice. Hobi flinched. He didn't knew Jungkook was actually this much of an idiot.



Seojoon slapped Jungkook resulting in a large tapping sound to reverberate inside the silent room.

The Kim trio was watching the son and father's drama without any interest. They wanted to proceed the talk for which they have actually came for.

"YOU SON OF A B****. Where you betraying me behind my back? How long is it since you started going behind my back?"

" Mr. Jeon it's 2 years actually. You can continue this drama some other time. We want to talk about why we are here actually."
Taehyung said rolling his eyes. Seojoon give him a fowl eye. But Taehyung equally glared at him.

" We want him to take responsibility of our son." This time it was taeyong. He was waiting for his chance to talk.

Seojoon scoffed.

"What do you mean by taking responsibility. Do you know my son is actually getting engaged? No way he is taking responsibility for a child that I don't believe is my son's. How do you know it's really my son's. Maybe your son is lying."

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