•°•The chaos•°•

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Many things are going to happen and get revealed.😈

"Jimin don't whine, you are not going with rose or anyone else for shopping without me."

" Why are you like this Jungkook? We saw each other after a very long time. Koo needs some fresh air too, he can't be always closed up in this big mansion." Jungkook rolled his eyes. Jungkook wanted to accompany them if they are going. But the latter can't take a leave from the office. His dad have enrolled him with hefty amount of work. If he can't go, he doesn't want Jimin to go alone with Koo even if it's with rose. But Jimin was stubborn.

"Jeon Jimin you are my wife. You are supposed to obey me. Why can't you listen to one thing I am telling?" Jungkook said with frustration. Koo was crying in between them. Jimin was holding him on his hips.

"Jungkook you can't be serious. Are you taking the husband card on me. Are you showing your true colors now? Were you always like this, controlling your wife? Do you want me submissive as your mother?" Jimin was more than hurt. His heart ached listening to Jungkook. Jungkook shut his eyes tight.

"Jimin I didn't mean it like that. Okay I am sorry. You have the equal right as me, I can't help it when it's come to my family. I will become over protective." Jungkook kissed Jimins forehead closing his eyes. He whispered several sorrys to Jimin.

"You are so mean you know that?" Jimin said crying like a baby.

"Yes, and arrogant and selfish right?" Jungkook agreed with Jimin. The other one nodded his head from were he was buried on Jungkooks chest.

"Go and change I will hold Soobin for you." Jungkook said and Jimin didn't waste time and kissed jungkook. He went to change.


Jimin and rose was inside a boutique. Soobin was in his stroller. Felix was with them as per Jungkooks order. Just like their old times Jimin and rose was messing around. Jimin missed being care free. Now he feels like a lot mature with the responsibilities he had.

"Jiminie look this colour will suit you." Rose pointed a white shorts towards Jimin.

"I will try this one. But I like that peach one a lot more. Jungkook would love that." Jimin and rose looked at the peach coloured shorts but rose scrunched her nose in disagreement. She is a lot sexy type rather than the cute type which was Jimin. She was always against Jungkooks choice when they were in college.

Felix's phone rang seeing it's his boss he took it right away.

"Hello sir..... Yes I am..... I know..... everything is perfect like you said sir..... Okay I will call you later.." Felix cut the call and turned towards the besty duo. He looked at the stroller and his heart jumped from his chest seeing the stroller empty.

"Where is Soobin?" Jimin turned around hearing Felix's scream just to get his whole life suck out of him. His baby was not inside the stroller but just the plushy Koo was holding till now. He frantically turned right and left for the signs of his baby but just to get disappointed. Jimins head started to spin, his vision blurred hearing distant voices screaming around him.

Felix held Jimins limp body in panic. Rose was not any different she was looking rather pale after running here and there looking for Soobin.


The whole Jeon mansion was in chaos. A couple of them crying and others walking back and forth grabbing at their hair. It's been 2 hours since their Soobin was missing. Jungkook felt like stabbing someone write now. He straight out punched Felix right when he saw him approaching the mansion with an unconscious Jimin.

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