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Jungkook stood impatiently infront of Kim's mansion door after ringing the bell. He was tapping his foot in anticipation.  He thought of going home late today after his argument with Jimin probably to apologise to him. But his heart dropped after Jin informing him,  Jimin had gone to his home. After not seeing soobins favorite toys and one of his T shirt he confirmed that Jimin literally went away which had made Jungkook almost in tears. He don't know how fast he drove to the Kim's.

Namjoon was the one who opened the door. He greeted his son in law with a neutral face. He can't blame Jungkook for being this naive. Namjoon knew it. But he can't allow his Jiminie let even a single drop of tear, that was a promise he had made with Jimins mother. He won't hesitate to hurt whoever make his prescious Jimin cry. Neverthless he invited Jungkook inside.

"I want to see Jimin." The urgency in his voice was not unnoticed by Namjoon. Jungkook saw the whole family seated in their living room watching some show with his son in Yoongi's lap. His eyes searched for Jimin who was sitting near Taehyung who was hugging him side ways.

Seeing Jungkook Jimin looked at his hands it made Jungkook guilty and worse. Taehyung was about to get up and give a piece of his mind to Jungkook but Yoongi held him back. Yoongi went towards his hyung with a smile. Jungkook took Soobin from Yoongi, hugging his son close.

"Jimin can we talk?" Jimin felt the pleading in Jungkooks voice. He doesn't want to embarrass Jungkook infront of his family so he stood up and followed Jungkook upstairs towards his room.

Jungkook laid Soobin on the bed and went towards Jimin. He hugged his wife close without letting him go.

"You don't need to apologise to anyone baby. I am sorry for raising my voice on you. I am sorry for blaming you. It's just that I felt so much worse after finding Soobin was missing. Like I almost died. I am sorry. Please Jimin come with me. We can go back home."

Jimin missed Jungkook after the argument so he let Jungkook hug him. He felt safe and the strong manly cent that Jungkook carried made his inside warm. But he backed away confusing Jungkook.

"I don't mind you raising your voice at me or worse slapping me. But I am your wife you should have some faith in me. I have never lied to you in any serious matters till now. I need you to remember that fact only. I am not coming back to that house were I feel me and our baby is not safe anymore. I will come back the day you open your eyes to see the real colours behind people around you. Because I trust you to protect me and our son." Although some of those words pricked Jungkook he couldn't understand what was Jimin insinuating.

"Are you telling me that you are not coming with me?"

Jimin nodded his head and Jungkook clenched his fist. After that Jungkook didn't utter a single word but press a kiss to his son's forehead and cupped Jimins cheeks and kissed his lips for a few seconds.

"When you find it in you to forgive me come back but I will visit. After all that is not just your son." Jungkook said pointing at Koo who was playing with his feet on the bed. Jimin felt the warmth leave him After jungkook disappeared from his room. Like Yoongi said he didn't want to cry anymore so he took Soobin and went downstairs were his family was waiting for an explanation.


"Jin why didn't you tell us that your son in law fled from here?" Hae Yoon asked fake gasping. He saw Jungkook storming off after finding no Jimin inside his room.

"Can't you open your mouth for anything better than being nosy." Jin snapped, there is too much a person can tolerate.

"Why are you angry at me? I just asked you something politely."

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