•°•The last bit of resistance•°•

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               Jimin was walking through the hallways being mesmerized again by the interior. He came across a locked door which said "no entry." Jimins curiosity got raised, he was just about to land his hands on the handle of the door.

"What are you doing there?" Jimin flinched hearing Jins voice.

" I was just curious about this whole floor. So I landed up here. When it read no entry my curiosity got the best of me. " Jimin said with a nervous smile.

" But you looked like a spy to me rather than being curious. Aren't you too curious to get inside rooms that are off limits without permission. "

It must be the pregnancy hormone that did it. Jimins eyes got teary and lips quivered. jimin didn't thought Jin could get this upset. Jins eyes widened seeing Jimins face. He cleared his throat.

"Y-You don't have t-to cry you know? I was just tell-"

"Baby? Are you crying? What happened? "

Jungkook was coming out of his room after showering when he saw Jin and Jimin on his way. Seeing Jimins face got him worried.

"I just said to him not to just enter any room without permission. He was curious about Seojoon's study. "

" You would have said something to upset him. I have told you to forget this rivalry mom. You can't keep grudges on him. He is pregnant and sensitive. "

Jin was surprised to see Jungkook taking sides with Jimin. He can't help but feel a teeny tiny bit hurt to see his son now prioritizing his wife more.

" No Jungkook. Mom didn't scold me or anything. This pregnancy hormones are getting me emotional. He was just telling me not to enter without asking. "

" Is that right? "

" Yes Jungkook. I'm okay. " He gave a reassuring smile to Jungkook.

"It's time for your nap. Go lie down. You have to go college tomorrow onwards."

Jin just ignored them and walked to his and Seojoon's room silently. He was just contented that his son was happily married now.

"You are dressed up. Where are you going? And don't even think about lying. You are not going to complete that stupid work of yours. "Jimin glared at Jungkook. Jungkook gave an awkward laugh.

" Come let's go nap together."

" Yeah thats what I was thinking. Look baby Koo, your dad is bad to mummy. He could have married his work if it was going to be like this. Only 9 days into marriage, he is hell bent on working and working. Business men. Stupid workaholics. Look at me tired and hungry all the time and he can't even spend time with mummy."

" Why are you ruining my image in front of our unborn baby by ranting so much. I apologise. " Jungkook said with a gasp hearing Jimin complaining about him.

"Apology not accepted unless you take me to eat fried chicken. Baby is craving that. "

" Jimin, if you want fried chicken you can directly tell it to me. Why are you using my little prince in there. "

Jimins mouth was wide open now. By now they were both sitting on their bed .

" Can you explain me why I'm eating that weird mint chocolate shit and your favorite pork belly Everytime. It's because of baby Koo only. "

" Okay, okay. Fried chicken it is. Then what does my big baby want." Jungkook pinched Jimins puffed cheeks.

" Fries and chocolate shake."

"Don't make it a habit. You are not going to eat junk food for more than ones in a month." Jungkook said taking his mobile to order the said items. Jimin needs to rest so he doesn't want to bring him outside.

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