•°•Its not our baby girl this time•°•

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     "Jungkook... baby. What if it's again a boy? He is still gonna be our baby."

Jimin caressed Jungkooks head. The older was lying on the couch with his head laid on Jimins lap. He was hugging the smallers waist gently with his face buried into Jimins stomach.

Ever since they came from the doctor knowing the babies gender, Jungkook was sulking. It was not his baby girl this time. Due to beomgyu's and jihoons marriage they were late to know the gender of their baby.

After his dad and brother Taehyung had a baby girl. Jungkook's wish to have a baby girl was real strong than anyone can imagine.

Jimin took a grinning Jungkook to his ultrasound, returning with a sulky toddler Jungkook. It's not that Jungkook doesn't like their baby. He would die for his children. But this time he wished for a baby girl.

Evy and elii were his princesses but still he wanted his own princess to run around their house.

"You don't understand. Now I'll have to wait for another three years." Jungkook's whiny voice was not pleasant to Jimins pregnancy hormones.

"Baby. You are not talking about getting me pregnant again are you?" Jimin asked with his sweet smile cupping his now sitting husband's face with a gritted teeth.

" Yes, then I can have my baby girl." Jungkook said with hid eyes sparkling that had Jimin giving up on swatting his head.

He sighed. He can't say no to those pair of doe eyes. Their little devil have the same eyes and Jimin would always fall for those eyes. It's a sad reality.

"Okay we will try one more time and I am going to go for a birth control." Although Jungkook didn't like the idea he nodded agreeing with Jimin.


"Jinnie... Please listen to me."

"Isn't this drama not over dad?" Taehyung asked to Namjoon who was frantically walking behind a mad Jin.

"Oh come on!! It's been two days already!!! You guys still didn't make up?" Yoongi said in between blowing his newly painted nails. Jimin was near him painting Yoongi's nails with great concentration.

"I don't want to make up this." Jin said stubbornly.

" Baby look I am getting late for my office. Where is my lunch?" Namjoon asked in a sweet voice cautiously looking for a reaction.

"Why don't you tell your bitch Susan to help you."

The living room echoed with "oohs" and everybody turned around doing their work ignoring the dad and mom. They knows better than to meddle in it. This time their dad is trapped for real.

It was after the Jeon brother's wedding that Susan came over, Namjoon's old acquaintance. She was a real mess after knowing Namjoons marriage with Jin. And to flame things more she saw elii in Jins arms.. although Susan used to stalk Namjoon. The later didn't give much mind to her that he totally forgot telling it to Jin. And now he is baring the price for that. It's been two days of  Namjoon  sleeping on the not so comfortable couch and trying to explain things. Today he decided that he needed to end this. No more sleeping on the couch.

"Baby. I said it was a long time ago. I am a man come on."

" But I just can't forget how she said I am an old fatty when she is a lot younger." Jin said at the verge of crying. He felt offended so bad. Nobody talks ill about his beautiful face.


"Tae stop it~ it's tick-ling.. " Beomgyu was giggling hard lying on their shared bed trying to squirm away from his beloved husband.

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