•°•Pregnancy hormones?•°•

3.9K 212 16

After 8 months

"I swear to God Jungkook. If it's positive I am going to kill you." Jimin said with both his hands now on his hips looking like an angry chick. Jungkook gulped at the sight. He wiped the sweat forming on his forehead.

Jimin was almost in tears. These days what he does is  just running behind a toddler all day long. The little devil never give him a minute of peace. Always running or breaking things that Jimin was fed up with his naughty kid.

"You are going to take one week off Jungkook. No excuses. you are going to take care of Soobin. I want you to feel what I have been going through these days. And look at what you have done. You are not going to come nowhere near me from now onwards without covering your thingy." Jungkook pouted at the new information still looking at his fingers like a toddler who is getting scolded by his mother.

"Baby I am sorry. You know you are irresistible that it drives me crazy. And about Soobin. I will take one week off just like you said. Happy now?" Jungkook asked showing his line of teeth in a grin to get an equal reaction from the later but all he received was glares.

Jimin took the pregnancy test in his hands and sighed.

"Look Soobin is barely two and I am pregnant again. Mom and Yoongi didn't even gave birth. How will I look at their faces?" Jungkook understood that Jimins pregnancy hormones were stronger than the previous one this time. He had been getting nagged on for no reason for the past one week.

He got up from the bed where he was sitting and hugged the smaller who was sniffling like a baby. Jungkook kissed his head lovingly. Jimin didn't know how happy Jungkook was to become a dad again. Jungkook knows he would get killed if he said he wanted to get Jimin pregnant that he didn't wear protection purposefully. But now that he thinks about it. He feels mad at himself for being selfish. He knows Soobin was a handful after the little one started walking. If Jimin doesn't want the baby. He would support his every decision. Jimin was first priority for Jungkook.

"Baby. I am sorry. Know that I will always support your every decision. If you don't want the ba-"

" You moron!! How could you say that to me? We are having a baby. I am going to be a mother again. You are not happy for us?"
Damn hormones!! Jungkook looked at Jimins cheeks and nose that were pink now after crying. How adorable can a human be?

"Oh my God what are you telling? You don't know how happy I am baby. I always wanted a princess to spoil. I think it's time for dadda's princess to arrive. I am going to be a father again!!!" Jimin grinned immediately looking at Jungkooks reaction who was talking to their unborn baby. He started blushing and looked down all shy. Jungkook cooed at the sight. No matter how many years pass, Jimin will always be his adorable baby.

Jimin was basking in Jungkooks warm embrace that he only realized now that someone was pulling his nighty from the bottom.

He looked down to see an adorable sight. His almost two year old son was looking at him with the same doe eyes as that of his husband. His thin lips in a pout.

Looks like he woke up and came here first thing in the morning. Jungkook and Jimin both looked at their adorable son expecting him to talk.

"What does my baby want?" Jimin picked the boy up and placed him on his hips.

" Waant booboo." Soobin started talking little words and sentences in babbles which only jimin could understand. The one sentence his child uttered every time is booboo. Which is his way of asking for milk. Jimin still breast feeds Soobin not frequently but whenever Soobin demanded or during morning and before bed time.

Jungkook cooed at his kid. The baby and his mom would be the death of him when it comes to their cuteness.

"Did my soobinie brush his teeth?" Jimin asked and the boy shook his head stating he didn't.

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