•°•The blissful realization•°•

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"What is it son? Why are you crying? Do you want me to call Jimin? Namjoon didn't know what to do when all of a sudden his son in law was embracing him like his life depended on it. Jungkook was not making any effort to let him go. He have never seen Jungkook so vulnerable except when Jimin went into labor. That's a different story when compared to what Namjoon is witnessing now.

"No. Don't. Don't call him please." Namjoon just heard a feeble voice coming from the one who is glued to his chest. Namjoon was a few inches taller than Jungkook so Jungkook was laying his head on Namjoons shoulder.

"Okay I am not calling him. Tell me what it is then?" Namjoon took Jungkook inside, towards his room, without being caught by anyone. He knew Jungkook wouldn't want that. Jungkook had never called him dad like this. It's always Jimins dad. When he heard Jungkook calling him dad it brought an unknown feeling in him which he himself didn't know ever existed.

Namjoon sat Jungkook on his bed and said him to wipe his tears sternly which the later did still sniffling like a child. Namjoon felt so bad in his chest seeing Jungkook looking at him with those doe eyes.

"Now tell me. What is going on?"

"I-I- Jungkook was trying hard to find words in his mouth but his airways seemed to clogged up with the emotions he was feeling right now. He was looking at Jimins dad, no but his dad. His father, his father who gave life to him.

Namjoon urged him to talk by encouraging him to breath slowly in a soft voice which Jungkook did. He gulped down the glass of water Namjoon had offered hungrily. It went down his parched throat giving him relief. Namjoon patiently waited for Jungkook to open up like a father would do to his child.

"I-I got to know something today which I was not aware of all these years. Just like you. I was kept in the dark all these years. I was so stupid. He made me feel stupid today-"

" Jungkook. son. Stop the rant and tell me. What did you realise? " Namjoon knew it was not Jimins matter. Jin had already told him Jungkook knew it and is not bothered by it.

Jungkook took a deep breath and continued. It was inevitable. Just like he faced it. His dad, Namjoon would have to face it too at some point. Let it be tonight.

"My mother was pregnant before marriage.." That was all it took for the glass to slip away from Namjoons hands. He didn't need any explanation unlike Jungkook. Because he knew Jin was never involved with seojoon before his marriage. The only person he was with was him. Only Namjoon. Suddenly the room feels too suffocating for him.

Even though it was stupid, he asked this one question just to confirm his doubt.

"Where is the baby?"

"Do you want me to clear that dad?" In the next moment Namjoon was the one weeping like a child hugging Jungkook. His son. The living proof of his love. A piece of him and Jin.

"I didn't know son. I am so sorry. I didn't know. All these years you were this close to me and I didn't know." Both were crying from the overwhelming emotion.

Now he knew why Jungkook resembled so much like his Taehyung. Their attitude, the same anger, the same gestures they showed when they were irritated or jealous. The possessiveness. The mole under Jungkooks lips, the same mole Namjoon had. He looked like grandma Haejin at some angle, yet no one could tell that Jungkook was his blood.

Now the most painful question is that; why Jin didn't tell this truth to him. How could he hide it from him for 25 years? He couldn't take part in any of his son's special moment. It left him with nothing but pain and anger towards Jin.

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