•°•with love Joon•°•

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Taehyung had went somewhere even though it's a Sunday. Yoongi was not that pleasant about his husband going somewhere. Not that he had any doubts on his husband. But he wanted to cuddle with him and go somewhere romantic.

But he took this opportunity to read what happened with his mom and Namjoon.


Today I sneaked off from the mansion and met Jinnie. He was really upset today. His father was compelling him to marry someone.

I wanted to know who it was. But Jinnie himself was unaware of it. But he said something else that had me in rage.

Like I expected my dad threatened his dad telling his son to stay away from me. Jinnie could never do that.

Meeting him today was not the best idea. Dad got to know it and he locked me in my room. I don't know why he is doing that. I have done everything he asked me to do. Good marks, good academics, perfect in everything. But still I can't choose whom to love.

We will have to elope if it's the last thing we do. I can't loose him.

-  with love Joon

Yoongi was more curious to know what's next.


I tried. I was this close to get you Jinnie. But dad had already planned everything. They found me.  He hit me a lot. Said I will have to marry someone or else he would harm you. I never thought dad would stupe this low. I don't what to marry someone else Jinnie. Seeing you in tears last night, I couldn't sleep. What will we do Jinnie?

-with love joon


Today was the most painful day of my life. If someone said burning someone alive was painful, I would debate and tell it's not. It was loosing someone you love the most.

I received a call from Jin. I was happy. It's been almost  2 weeks I hadn't got to hear the voice of my princess.

But now that I think. I shouldn't have took the call. He was angry. I didn't know what was the reason. But he said all the best for my wedding. And said one more thing collapsing my whole world . He was married. Married to the one that I resent the most. Not just me, Jinnie too.

I had to make sure he was telling the truth and I saw the news. Jin in his white wedding dress like how I imagined him to be. But not for me but for someone else.

He played dirty. Just like he said. Seojoon did snatch Jin from me. He showed me where would his obsession for Jin go.

- with love joon

Yoongi couldn't understand why his dad became the evil of their love story. He can't bare someone else talking about his dad. But he wanted to know his mother's side too. The next pages were blank. But there was something written in the coming few pages.


Like my mom wanted I married someone. His name is Baekhyun. He is nice. Very nice and kind to everyone. But I am feeling bad for treating him like this. It's been two weeks  of our marriage. I can't accept him as my wife no matter what. Even though he is 17 he takes care of me as a perfect wife. We talk too little everyday. An 18 year old teenager who would be partying and going on trips with friends is here, married and having the responsibilities of an adult. I don't know how I ended up here.

- with love joon


Yesterday I did something very bad. It was so impulsive of me. But I had to forget him. I thought I would but I am regretting it a hundred times. I slept with Baekhyun.

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