•°•Dear Jinnie•°•

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3 months old Koo was on his bed after a bath which was given by his grandma. He was flailing his hands here and there, looking around.

Jimin is still not so confident about bathing Koo. He is always afraid that he may hurt him. But Jin was more than experienced since he had taken care of all the kids in the mansion when they were like Koo.

Right now Jin was putting lotion on Koo with the baby lotion. Jin couldn't believe that one day he would see his little kooks baby. Looking at Koo Jin could say that this baby was going to be the carbon copy of Jungkook.

His small round Bambi eyes. That adorable nose. Thin rosy lips. Jimin always complains to Jin about koo's looks. He said there is nothing to tell others about what Koo got from him. He was sulky about the matter that after carrying Koo for nine months for the baby to look like his dad. And Jin would laugh at him and tell that it's his kooks boy after all.

Yoongi has sneaked to the mansion two times already after his college by telling the driver to come here just to see Koo. If Taehyung got to know this he will be over. But little did he know that his husband is aware of wherever he goes.

But Taehyung knew Yoongi loved babies, so he had no complaints. But he will confront Yoongi so that he should not worry him like that by not telling him.

Jimin had started taking online classes so that he can go to college and write the exams on time.

"Aren't you grandma's baby Koo. Did you enjoyed your bath? Aren't you too adorable?"

Jin was talking to the baby in a baby voice and Koo was looking at his grandma with his Bambi eyes not understanding a thing.

Jimin was taking a shower in the next room without Koo crying and disrupting his beauty bath, thanks to his mother in law.

"Mom, was Koo fuzzy?" Jimin asked entering their bedroom.

"He was in the beginning when he didn't see you. then it was okay"

Koo who saw his mother's presence soon looked at him with an eyes that tells : you abandoned me and started pouting. The next thing they knew was Koo crying for him flailing his arms in the air.

"Oww, is mommies baby hungry?" Jimin asked approaching Soobin.

"He is just like kook. When he was a baby whenever he saw me, he wanted milk. This guy here is not any different. You feed him Jimin. I will be in the kitchen."


Felix saw Jimin walking towards his car with Koo in his arms in a baby blue baby elephant themed onesie. His chubby cheeks painted rose and his adorable dark brown eyes were screaming cuteness overload. Felix always loved kids especially someone this chubby was irresistible. His hands were itching to squeeze those cheeks. Finding Felix's internal dilemma Jimin rolled his eyes. He showed Koo to Felix. Felix was clueless.

"You can hold him Felix unless you think you need a hand wash."

Felix smiled his 100 volt smile. He grabbed that chubby being to his arms. How can a human being be this adorable. He got the sudden urge to kiss those cheeks but held it in. It's more than a privilege to hold the baby of great Jeon Jungkook. Jimin got inside the car waiting for Felix to put his baby on the baby seat. Felix secured the baby on his seat and got inside the driver's seat.

They were heading to the company were Jungkook was waiting for them. Today they were going for a shopping for both Koo and jimin. Both had no time to go somewhere with koo. Even if Jungkook was busy, they decided better not to make it late.

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