•°•The final sentence•°•

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Namjoon and his son's including Jin and minjoon were sat at the court room for the last trial for the murder case of Kim Baekhyun and park Chanyeol that happened almost 19 years back. Not only for that but also for every crime he have done so far including marital abuse.

Right next to them a teary eyed Jiya was sitting looking at the miserable state of Lee jongin being the second hand of Jeon Seojoon.

It's been 3 months the case was going on. Due to Jungkook and Namjoon being influential the trial is going really fast.

Several victims and witness's were present at the court for testifying against Seojoon including jongin's wife and Jin.

Not to forget somi who tried to escape the night of Seojoon's arrest was caught miserably by none other than her son minjoon himself, was now standing there already given up to her fate.

The three were at last sentenced to life in prison with 10 million won as compensation each.

The whole Jeon and Kim family sighed in relief after the three months of going in and out of court for the trials and endless testifying.

At last everything that belonged to Jungkook rightfully became his. Only minjoon was aware of Jungkook being the owner of all the properties that Jeons owned. But he was happy that it was Jungkook.

They informed the news to their families even though everything was being published on the news.

Even though Seojoon did all the crime's Hae yoon still shed some tears for the man that he internally loved all these years.

The one who got the most emotional was Yoongi because even though Seojoon was evil, he was still Yoongi's father.

Namjoon and the rest saw the three of them being hand cuffed and being escorted to the police car for spending their lives in prison.

Namjoon scoffed seeing Seojoon still giving him glares of hate. He smirked and approached the other one.

"Now look at the great Jeon Seojoon being handcuffed finally and going to experience the result for his wrong doings."

" It's not over Namjoon. You will suffer for this, not only you but this bitch too for ditching me for you."

" I dare you to call him that again. I don't want to ruin my image by slapping you infront of the media and for your information. Jin and I are getting married in the two months probably. You are not invited of course."
Namjoon let of a sadistic chuckle at the pathetic state of Seojoon. The dirty shirt he was wearing, eyes having prominent dark circles underneath them, the stubbles on his face that had overgrown in these past three months. Namjoon felt a clear feeling inside his chest after giving justice to everyone that was a victim of Jeon Seojoon including his Jinnie.

Jin wanted to talk to his ex husband one last time before he is being taken.

"Look at you standing here Seojoon. Let me remind you. before you die, you will remember all the things you have done to me and everyone and you will cry for forgiveness. But nobody will be there to hear your miserable cries. You will rot in prison for the times you stuck a knife on my kooks neck threatening me. But I am thankful to you for one thing Seojoon, one thing.. although you compelled me to give you a child. You still gave me my Yoongi and I am glad that he is nothing like you except for how he looks. Now the mother and son duo can enjoy your solitude. Good bye Seojoon."

Jin felt relief after telling those words that he wanted to tell so bad. He was embraced by Namjoon infront of Seojoon. Seojoon clenched his fist and bit his tongue seeing Jin being away from him.

Jiya  looked at her husband's hunched figure with tears in her eyes.

"Look after Taemin for me. P-please don't make him like me. Ch-change him for good. Take care Jiya." Jongin had only one request to his wife that was for his beloved son. Jiya couldn't take it and she sobbed hard and ran from there. She sat inside her car and told the driver to take her from there immediately, not being able to watch her husband anymore.

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