•°•Without you•°•

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I am so happy. 1k reads I can't believe.. I love you all for making it possible😘😘.. thank you so much. Anyways baby Koo is going to arrive in the next chapter.


Everyone was having a delightful lunch including Taehyung and Yoongi at the mansion. Jin had cooked all the favorite dishes of Yoongi still not forgetting Jimins preferences.

"Yoongi dear are you staying today?"

"I want to." Yoongi said with some hesitancy looking expectantly at Taehyung.

"Stay for a day or two Yoongi. You haven't been to home since the marriage."

" Yes, hyung let him stay." Jimin joined with Jungkook too. Yoongi was surprised. Jimin looked at Jin and winked at him. Jin knows he was doing it for him. For the last few months Jimin have been showing him nothing but love and trust. He was thankful to Jungkook for marrying someone like Jimin even if everything was complicated.

"Of course he can stay for a day or two. But I can't, I have something important to attend."

" It's alright. If Yoongi is staying we will be so happy. " Seojoon said faking a smile.

" A**hole" Taehyung cursed in his mind. He grabbed Yoongi soon after they were finished with lunch towards a guest room, closing the door.

"Tell them you are not staying. Tell some excuse and come with me." Taehyung whispered hugging Yoongi close.

"What are you telling? You already said that I can stay." Yoongi whined loudly.

" You know very well that I can't sleep without you baby. Please, maybe some other day."

" You slept completely okay for the past 24 years. And you would have slept completely okay after breaking up with me. What is the matter now?"

When the breaking up situation was brought, Taehyung was angry. He had asked Yoongi to forget and to forgive. Taehyung felt anger. He let go Yoongi.

"Okay stay here as long as you want. I'm going."

Taehyung sped out from the room even before Yoongi can comprehend what had happened.

"Let him act like a child. He is still his daddies little boy. Let me stay at my home for a day. Stubborn as always." Yoongi let a heavy sigh watching Taehyung going out telling good byes to his family politely.


Baby eat slowly. You will choke."

Jungkook said to Jimin who was eating the cheese cake Taehyung bought for him.

"Ish sho twasty." Jimin said with a full mouth.

"Don't eat too much of it baby. It's not good for your health. And you already finished a whole tray of brownies.

"You don't buy me anything like this. Let me enjoy this." Jimin glared at Jungkook.

" Don't you remember what the doctor said on your last appointment. Too much saturated fat and sugars is not good for you."

Jungkook said in a stern voice scaring Jimin. Jungkook didn't want to scare nor he wanted to stop Jimin from eating his favorite. But he had no choice but to be stern. Jimin will get an upset stomach if he eat so much.

Jimin kept the fork spoon down with a prominent pout. A big fat tear rolled down his eyes breaking Jungkooks heart.

Jimin got up from the dining chair and waddled towards his room which was now temporarily at the downstairs.

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