•°•Happiness comes in double•°•

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After two months

Yoongi was biting his nails looking at the flipped plastic stick in his hands. He was currently inside their bathroom pacing back and forth due to the anxiety eating him inside.

He was wearing his strawberry pink nighty and it was early in the morning. After brushing his teeth, the first thing he did was to take out this test. Now he is waiting for those two magical lines to appear and sprinkle his life with joy.

Yoongi thought it was enough torture and opened his tightly shut eyes to flip the stick only to squeal in joy. His eyes watered and he cupped his mouth sobbing. This was the day Yoongi was waiting for.
They were having a baby. Their baby. He caressed his stomach lovingly. He can't wait to feel the bump.

Last month he had a major disappointment which got Yoongi silent for a few days. Only after Jimin and Jin assuring Yoongi was when the later went normal. Taehyung was worried for a bit and had to promise him to give as many as babies.

Yoongi put the stick inside the small box he prepared and wrapped and secured it with a tiny bow. The box also had a neutral colored baby cloth which said appa. He wanted to surprise the babies daddy with the biggest happiness.

"I would be preparing you a bigger gift when you come back Tae." Yoongi said after securing Taehyungs neck tie for him. But the perverted husband's mind went somewhere inappropriate and he smirked.

"What is it babe?" Taehyung said in a seductive whisper giving a squeeze to Yoongi's soft bottom. The younger slapped his husband's chest in anger.

"You are so dirty minded Tae. Think of something sweet~"

" Okay don't pout. I would be looking forward to that sweet gift even though you could have given me now."

"you are ruining the fun. I am not talking to you."

"Oh my God don't whine like that. I won't be able to reach the company in time. Can I eat this pretty dumpling? ". Taehyung slightly bit Yoongi's pale chubby cheeks and the younger giggled turning red. Taehyung kissed Yoongi's forehead and took his brief case ready to go to his company.


The Kim couple were followed by Jeon couples. Yes Jungkook still had the 'jeon' in his name as he inherited most of the Jeon properties except for the ones he gave to minjoons family after Seojoon's trial. Jin also requested him to continue the inheritance of Yoongi's grandfather who considered Jungkook as his heir.

Now minjoon and family and Mina and minseo were  the only ones living in Jeon mansion, which was always hae yoons dream but after they became alone he felt the lonliness creeping inside of him without Jin.

"Jungkookie you forgot your brief case." Jimin was running behind Jungkook with his brief case. It was a normal thing for all the wives to run behind their husbands like this in the morning.

Jungkook took the brief case from Jimin.

"Don't forget  koo's birthday is coming. You said we can go shopping and make the arrangements today."

" I didn't forget it baby. But it's a busy schedule for me toda-" Jimin's face morphed into hurt and anger and Jungkook was quick to change his sentence.

"But I can make time for my family." Jungkook gave an awkward chuckle and Taehyung held his laughter with struggle which didn't go unnoticed by jungkook. He scoffed at him and rolled his eyes. The two brother duos never stopped bickering with each other.  They had got endless scoldings from their wives but never change.

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