•°•I am watching you Jeon•°•

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               Jimin was searching for Jungkook in the empty hallways upstairs. A hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him into an empty room.

Jungkook closed the door and slammed Jimin on it, holding his hips firmly against him. Jimin let out a surprised gasp. He opened his mouth to say something. But Jungkook smashed their lips together for a rough kiss. Jimin pulled at Jungkooks locks. Jungkook deepened the kiss further. After a minute of kissing both pulled back, hungrily taking the much needed air inside their lungs.

"You are looking like a meal today baby."

"And you are looking like a hot daddy. All mine. "

" All yours. "

" Now explain. " Jimins face changed from lovely to a glare.

" What?"

"Why was that whore holding your hands earlier and why didn't you take it off of you? "

" Language baby. Dad and mom was watching, so I couldn't be rude. That is why I tolerated him for some times. He is annoying. He called me kookie. It cringed the shit out of me."

After hearing the kookie part Jimin looked at Jungkook with a horrifying expression.

"The nerve of that bitch. Let me teach him some manners. " Jimin was ready to fight, he was going back when Jungkook stopped him.

"Pinky! Pinky! Calm down baby. I have told him not to call me that."

" I wanted to twist his arms earlier."

Jimin was looking scary actually. Jungkook leaned in and kissed him lovingly.

" We are alone. No one matters baby. May I have a dance with you Mr. Kim?"

" Are you serious Jeon? Now? Jimin chuckled looking at Jungkook amused.

"Yes now. Let's make our own party. Now come on~"

Jungkook started to sing, Ed Sheeran's perfect song, softly swaying Jimin. The only light illuminating the room was coming from the moon light that is shining through the big floor to sealing windows.

Jimin chuckled, when Jungkook started singing. He took steps as same as Jungkook following him.

Jungkook twirled Jimin around. Jimin was genuinely happy. Jungkook was also smiling sweetly at Jimin.

"I love you ." Jungkook  mumbled on Jimins lips in just a whisper.

" Love you too Jeon."


              Yoongi found a balcony and looked at the night sky scattered with star. The silence was calming him.

Yoongi saw the way Jennie was looking at Tae earlier. It became too much to him when Tae was laughing along. So he wanted to have some fresh air.

Jin excused from Hae Yoon and his bitch group by telling an excuse to go to the washroom.

As soon as hae Yoon saw Jin going, he started to run his foul mouth.

"Look at his dress Femi, isn't it too much for his age."

" I was going to mention it Hae, that bitch is still an attention seeker. The last time he wore this red gown and my husband couldn't stop appreciating that doll face." Femi rolled her eyes, fisting her hands.

"I have told you know? He is good at seducing others husband's. Even Minjoon talk about him at home." Hae Yoon sipped his champagne looking at Seojoon.

"I don't know how you are tolerating that low life Hae Yoon." Another one of  hae Yoon's friends squad said.

"Just you wait and watch, that mansion is going to be mine and everything inside." Hae Yoon said looking at the way Seojoon was sipping his drink and talking. He drag his tongue along his lower lip and bit his lips looking at the way Seojoon was gulping down his drink. His friends didn't fail to notice his actions. 

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