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"I need to tell you something Jungkook."

Jimin said after a while of the peaceful silence they had.

"What is it pinky?" Jungkook took Soobin in his hand when the baby finished drinking and patted his back to burp him. Jimin also sat upon the bed and started to fidget on the spot which didn't go unnoticed by jungkook. He put on the robe he had on the bed side and brazened upto tell everything that happened yesterday.

"Promise me you won't judge me or feel anything bad about me. " Jimin was genuinely anxious about telling Jungkook about his real father, when he himself don't know how to feel about it. Even though it hurts like he lost something precious, but Jimin had to swallow up the truth that; namjoon his beloved dad is not his real father.

"I-Its about my d-dad."

"What about your dad?" Jungkook started making Soobin stand on his lap with his support and the baby started laughing showing his gums.

"He is not my r-real father." Jimin said in one breath and looked at Jungkook for his reaction. Jungkook was not the least bit surprised and the one sitting dumb was Jimin himself.

"Jungkook? I said something." Jimin whined.

Jungkook let out a sigh and laid Soobin on the bed. He picked Jimin from his sitting position on the bed and put him on his lap. Jimin let a small gasp by the sudden action and held Jungkooks shoulders for a grip.
Jungkook tightened his hold on Jimins waist and brought him towards his chest.

"Will you be mad if I tell you that I already knew it?" Jimin gave him a light smile and straddled his thighs. The next thing Jungkook knew was him gasping for breath when Jimin chocked him.

"J-Jimin b-baby your husband is going to die. I am s-sorry okay." Jungkook managed to utter during his struggles of breathing. Jimin let go of him with an angry pout on his lips, red cheeks and nose and an overflowing eyes.

"You idiot!! You knew it all these times and doesn't bother to tell me?" Jimin yelled out and Jungkook tried to calm him down as if Jimin was a baby.

"My mom knew it long back. He told this to me only yesterday baby. I heard from him that you found it yesterday and is a lot upset. Your dad must have told him. And don't worry about anything baby. Nothing is going to change the fact that Namjoon is your dad. He is and he always will be."

Jimin jutted his lips out and looked at Jungkook. How bad Jungkook wanted to keep this adorable doll locked up away from the cruel world outside.

"Is this the reason why you came yesterday night?"

"Partly yes. I couldn't sleep thinking my pinky would be crying alone to sleep and partly I missed you damn much baby. I don't think I can live a day without you. I love you so much baby." Jungkook said to Jimin in a soft tone gazing up at Jimins eyes that were leaking more tears now that Jungkook said those words.

"I love you too. A lot Jungkookie." Jimin hugged Jungkook tightly. He sobbed on Jungkooks shoulders. Jimin felt how much fortunate he was to find Jungkook in this life. Their moment was interrupted by a small cooing noice coming from the baby on the bed. Jimin took Soobin in his arms and brought him in between them. Now they were complete with their little Soobin in-between them.


After their small moment, both Jungkook and Jimin freshened up and went downstairs. Namjoon was getting ready to go to the company. Grandma Haejin accompanied Jimin and Jungkook on the dining table. Soobin was on Jimins hips as usual playing with his wedding chain. Jimin was standing near Jungkook and serving him. A shrill voice got their attention and Jimin looked at the entry way seeing Beomgyu coming their way excitedly.

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