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        Jungkook was still sleeping soundly on their bed like a baby as it was a Sunday today.

Jimin didn't bother to wake him up as the latter was working till yesterday night. He was upset with his father in law for making his husband overwork.

Some times Jimin even thinks why doesn't Seojoon have never shown such considerations to his own son.

He kissed Jungkook on his forehead and walked outside the room. He passed several doors and reached the area where Seojoon and Jins room where.

Jimin hid himself when he saw Seojoon coming out of his room with his phone on his ear.

He was in a serious conversation with someone on the other side.

"What do you mean by that filth need more money to keep his mouth shut? Just end him already what are you waiting for?"

Who is he talking about. Jimin put his index finger on his chin and thought.

"It's been 18 years already. We have been feeding that snake since then. Now he is trying to bite me back? Me? 'Jeon Seojoon? In his dream. Get him to our godown, let him taste his medicine."

Jimin was struck on the spot. Pervert, arrogant, selfish, liar, murderer now an under cover boss. Jimin became more confused.

Realisation downed upon Jimin now. Nobody is safe in this house. The only way to do this is to enlighten everyone about Seojoon.

He need to inform this to his hyung. What does he meant by 18 years back? Is he talking about his mother's death that happened almost 18 years ago.

Jimin was getting a head ache. Jimin stopped thinking about it soon when he saw Somi walking towards Seojoon. He took out his mobile and started recording the scene.

"What Happened son? You are frowning too hard."

"Mother, that filth need more money to shut his mouth."

" You mean Alexander?"

" Yes. That bastard."

" He have been leeching on us since that accident. It's high time you didn't kill him."

" I can't afford to do that since that fucker have all the evidence with him. What if he ditch on us by some other alternatives even if he is dead."

" You can't be serious Seojoon. Killing and snitching is not a first time for you Seojoon. Ever since you got enchanted by the charm of that boy. You are good for nothing. He has you wrapped around his pinky. I still hate the time I witnessed your obsession for Jin. I knew it was going to be the end of you. That slut is nothing but a curse to this family, bringing the first heir and your father putting every wealth on that little boys name."

Somi said with gritted teeth but soon started choking by the grip Seojoon had on her neck.

Jimin started sweating. It was like he was watching a movie in real that even his breathing got rapid. He couldn't understand a thing. But he knows there was more to the story and many lies to unfold.

"You don't talk about my Jinnie like that sick lady. I was going to blow your head last time you insulted him during our family gathering. You know me well mom. Only I get to talk about my Jinnie, only I get to hurt him, only I get to touch him. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? "

Seojoon let Somi go, she started coughing because of the grip. Nobody from downstairs know what was really happening upstairs thanks to this big mansion.

"He is a psychopath, he need a serious check up. He is so sick. I need to tell this to hyung. " Jimin thought to himself.

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