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Authors notes

◼️This is a work of fiction. None of the characteristics of the characters reflect their real life personality. The plot, story line and the characters are my imagination.

◼️Any resemblance to any story is a coincidence. I don't encourage plagiarism.

◼️This book contains, mpreg, crossdressing, mild mature themes intended for audience above 16.

◼️I do not encourage incest, sexual acts of minors, violence, self harm, defamation, sexual violence etc.

Do not spread hate. I am writing this just for fun and relaxation for me so if it doesn't match with your taste please don't hate my work.

This is my work and my imagination. Do not plagiarise without consent, it's a crime.

This is a Jikook story. I support every other ships but I am a little addicted to this cuties.

But in this story bottoms are mostly having endearments of females and they do cross dressing.

This is an mpreg fiction as it's one of my favorite genre.


Jeon family

~Jeon Seojoon

43 y old, Jungkooks father,wife seokjin, president of Jeon Maison Elèngantè.

~Jeon seokjin

42 y old, Jungkooks mother

~Jeon Jungkook

24 y old, Ceo of Jeon Maison Elèngantè.

~Jeon Yoongi

19 y old, Jungkooks younger brother

~Jeon minjoon

45 y old, Seojoon's brother, wife Hae Yoon.

~Jeon hae yoon

41 y old. Jeon minjoon's wife.

~Jeon jihoon

23 y old, Jungkooks cousin brother, minjoon and haeyoons elder son.

~Jeon Beomgyu

20 y old, minjoon and haeyoons younger son.

~kang Mina

40 y old seojoon's younger sister.

~kang minseo

20 y old, Mina's daughter

~Jeon somi

59 y old Jungkooks grandmother
Kim Jimin.

Kim family

~Kim Namjoon

42 y old, Jimin and Taehyungs dad. President of Kim parfum de lys

~Kim Baekhyun

41 y old, Taehyung and Jimins mother, Namjoons wife, died in an accident.

~Kim Taehyung

24 y old, Namjoons elder son.

~Kim jimin

19 y old, Jungkooks lover, Kim Namjoon's younger son.

~kim taehyong

41y old, Namjoons younger brother.

~kim Jessi

40 y old, taeyongs wife

~kim yeonjun

22 y old, taehyongs and jessis son.

~kim Riya

19 y old, taehyongs and jessis daughter.

~kim sung ho

64 y old Namjoons dad

~kim Haejin

58 y old Namjoons mother

Special people


26 y old, Jungkooks child hood mate, best friend, secret barer.


Will be revealed later

Min ho

Yoongi's best friend


Jimins best friend

~Other characters

Lee jongin

Lee Taemin

Lee Jiya

Other characters will be revealed later on.

Enjoy reading

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