•°•I am here•°•

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Jin was knitting a home wear for Yoongi outside his balcony. He had this itchy feeling inside his chest since Jungkook went to his office this morning.

He was dying of curiosity to know what would have happened after Jungkook revealing about his love.

Jin already called Jungkook twice but got no reply. So inorder to deviate his mind he started completing this dress which he was designing for Yoongi.

Jin always knit something different for Yoongi since Yoongi was small. Like small frocks or knitted sweaters.

Its been 3 hours that he is sitting here. And it's almost complete. Thanks to his mind which is running in miles.

The only break he took was for eating lunch. Usually he will do some works in the kitchen helping the maids. But today he had no mind for that.

"Wow!" Jin flinched in his seat when Yoongi screeched after seeing the dress.

"Oh God Yoongi. You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry Mom. But this dress is beautiful. Simple and pretty. Is it for me?"

" Of course it's for my boo. It just have some finishing works then you can go try it on."

" Mmmmh~"

" How was your college?"

" Nothing special. That Jimin is such a brat. He didn't come to college today. Sometimes he skips college, the other times he won't come to college." Jin scoffed.

" Just like his mom. He is probably sneaking around with someone. By the way he dresses I can imagine."

When I said Jin hates the Kim's, I wasn't Joking. Everytime Jin looks at Jimin it reminds him of his mother. Jin has a long history for that. But that story is for another time.

"Absolutely mom. I do have the same thoughts."

"Ok leave that aside. Are you hungry? Want me to make you some snacks?"

" No. I am full. I'm going to my room and will take a nap."

" Wash up before you sleep. You  came from college. "

" Mom~.. "

"No mom.. now go " Jin shooed him away."


Seojoon clicked the elevator button to the second floor of his mansion. By the way he is clicking it we could see he was planning to break it.

Mina eyed her brother with a frown. But Seojoon is usually like this, so she ignored it and mind her own business.

Soon the elevator dinged and opened. On reaching second floor, he opened his room door and soon called for Jin.


By the tone of Seojoon's voice Jin knew there is something. He let that dress on the seat and walked inside his room.

"What happened? Why are you yelling my name?"

"Do you want to know why am I yelling?" In just a second Seojoon pinned Jin to the wall with his hands chocking Jins neck.

Jin grabbed Seojoon's hand when he felt difficult to breath.

"S-seojoon l-let g-go."Jin said with great difficulty.

Seojoon removed his hands from his neck and push him from the wall. Jin stumbled to the side and held one of the shelves inside their room. He started coughing.

"Do you have any idea what that son of yours did. How much I was humiliated today in front of the Kim's. I wanted to bury a hole and die myself."

Then why didn't you do that bastard? Jin thought still caressing his neck.

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