Stranger and Unusual

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A/N: My diary and discoveries make me more whole so I owe a lot to this whole chapter of my life.


I had been done with therapy but kept up with my journal. I was in tenth grade when I began to realize something was strange.

August 15, 1992

We celebrated Dad's birthday (Hank) in North Carolina. It was a long drive but it's been fun. I had never seen the ocean and I hated to leave. I loved the whole journey. It was the longest car ride I have ever taken. We just got back. I took my journal but I mostly forgot about it while we were out. I'm tired so I'm going to bed. I'll write more later. Don't worry I took tons of pictures. I'm making a scrapbook with Mom's help.

August 15, 1992

I also had fun in North Carolina but you never asked me! I loved walking on the beach on the full moon and the smell of the salt water. It was so romantic if I had a boyfriend. It was very beautiful. I tried lobster for the first time and absolutely loved it. I had never seen the ocean before either and it was amazing. It ruins lakes and ponds for sure. The ocean was just so vast and wild. I can't wait to go back.

August 16, 1992

Who wrote in my journal! This is my private journal! If you touch my journal every again, I'll tell Mom! I don't appreciate it at all. Leave it alone!!!

August 17, 1992

You make me laugh Cayden! I know you don't know me just yet but I'm here with you, silly! I'm here.

August 17, 1992

Uh, who are you! I have been in my room all day?

August 17, 1992

I don't really know my name but I like Cay. Yet. You can call me what you like but I'm part of you, I guess. I've been here for a few years, keeping you safe. I'm with another but he doesn't talk much.

August 17, 1992

What's happening? I don't understand this? It's 9:22 Pm.

It's 9:24 PM and I don't know either. I've been here since your mom died, I guess. I don't know how but I was getting a little stronger and braver when I realized we were the same person or in the same person. We have different handwriting, Cayden. Yours sucks.

9:30 Pm: Mine does not suck...okay it sucks! Yours isn't that wonderful. That girl Susan in our class, she has amazing handwriting!

9:32 PM I know it! It's so neat and pretty. Mine's more legible than yours though!

9:33 Pm So, I'm Cayden? What do I call you? Hey?

9:34 PM....Why don't you capitalize the M in PM?

9:35 Pm I don't want to. So? What do I call you?

9:36 PM The M is also important like me. I'm important too. I'm the me Queen Penelope!

9:38 Pm... I'm not calling you that! I'm Cayden so I can call you Cay?

9:45 PM I had to think about that. I like it. It's part of your name like I'm part of you. Really.... You really can't fix that M!

9:46 Pm.... Nope. Why? It's my journal!, Cay!

9:48 PM Sweetie, it's our journal! And it's annoying! MMMMMMM How hard is that?

9:50 Pm I'm gonna start making my letters capital just randomly in my handwriting too! Just a random H or O in the midDle. ThiS iS fUn.

9:51 PM Cayden, you are soo mean! That is just wrong!

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