Back to the Story With Cady

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So, back to the story.... Cady's POV

I was taking Dean to Cayden's Mom and Dad's house. And I wasn't going to mention the proposal. Dean had asked Cayden to marry him and to my surprise, Cayden said yes.

I knew his parents, of course. I guess they were my parents as well, they just didn't know me. It was complicated so I refer to them as Cayden's parents. I love them dearly but for this story, they're his parents.

They are conservative in every way. They both had rough childhoods and found each other and had been married for twenty years. They were amazing and they still got along. I wanted that so badly for Cayden. He really did deserve some happiness because he had already been through a lot.

I called and warned the family that I was bringing someone and it was a guy. I didn't know how my mom would take that. She was very...straight? I guess. Straight laced. Proper. She knew I was sleeping with this guy but I didn't know what the line was here?

For us, Cady was a woman but Cayden was a guy. We were in Cayden's body so I had to pretend a lot. Dean was perfect for Cayden because he didn't care.

I, Cady, was worried, to be honest. I knew that Cayden couldn't handle losing Dean. He was already attached and that was a big deal for him and now he was taking Dean to the parents house. I was nervous.

Dean seemed unfazed as we walked in. Our siblings would be here.


Dean followed me as we walked in. "We're here!" Cayden wasn't in the front this time. We switch frequently and when he gets nervous we tend to switch out and I get the front. He was very nervous so here I was...

Ariel took Arizona's hand and rushed to the toys. She was always at home here. My mom grabbed her up and kissed her like crazy then released her. They were in fits of giggles and I just smiled. I absolutely loved being a mom and doing all the fun mom things.

I introduced Grandma to Arizona first. "That's Arizona. This is my mom. Jana. We just call her Grammy." I smiled at the kid. He was cute as he looked at Grammy with his dark eyes and dark hair.

"Call me whatever you want." Jana smiled. "Hi. The toys are over there. Just follow Ariel. She always knows the way!" She smiled at him as he nodded.

"Nice to meet you. Thanks." Arizona stated and took off. He was always so polite when he was little.

"And this is Dean." I stopped because I didn't know what to do.

Our younger sister was there. She was fourteen years younger. She was adopted by Cayden's parents also. Her and her half brother had a tough beginning but they were saved very early on. "We heard about you!" My sister watched Dean and smiled. I was worried about the meeting.

"Dean, this is my sister, Trish, her boyfriend, Carlos, my little brother John. That's his son, Evan. Where's Charlotte?" I looked around. She was Cayden's biological sister, who made her way here sometimes.

Our mom sighed. "She just broke up with that guy, Ron. She's sulking at home. Maybe next time?"

"I'll call her later." I sat. I really liked Charlotte. She was a sweet person, like Cayden.

"What's new?" I patted the chair for him to sit down and Dean sat.

Cayden's mom began rambling about work. She had started working in a prison in their mental health department. Great. Dean was a month into his prison job and they hit it off. They had so much to talk about.

Dean and Cayden's mom were a sight to see. Cursing wasn't allowed in our house.... after the first 'fuck them' and those 'mother fuckers', people were kicked out of the house for less.... Cayden's mom laughed and just kept talking after Dean said those words. What was happening?

I was standing beside my sister, Trish. "What's happening?" We were just staring.

Trish didn't move either. "Don't know."

Her drug dealing boyfriend stared with us. "I don't even say crap in the house!" Carlos commented. By the way, he really did sell drugs. At least he had a job!

My brother just laughed. John was always free with his laugh. I loved that about him. We were all adopted by these amazing people so we were all messed up but we could always laugh and we owed that to the parents.

Trish had mommy issues, John was a crack baby, no joke. They had the same bio mom but she was a piece of shit. Anyway, we were all messed up but we never cursed in front of Mom. Meanwhile, Dean is cursing up a storm. He's loud anyway and when he's excited, he's louder.

I mean he was mother fucker this and damn those fucking bastards that... to our mother! Our very Christian mother.... She was just talking and chuckling. What was happening? Was she okay with him? Him of all people?

I brought that woman home and she hated her. Ariel's donor, as I call her. Well, I brought her home. Cayden hated her too and told me not to. I should have listened. I was trying to please my mom and dad at the time. I was trying to be what I thought they wanted.

I didn't know what we were doing with Dean, really. He wasn't what I thought our type was.

Dean was what Cayden was doing to please himself, I guess. I felt Cayden coming to the front. 


I added a few chapters and I hope this flows better and is easier to follow. If you are reading this a second time, let me know if this is better... if you want to. Thanks and I hope you are enjoying this chaos!! Ha ha 

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