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I was happy that ordeal was over. It was around this time that I joined a popular writing platform, suggested by Ariel. I had time to sit and heal up so what could I do?

"Hey, Mom. You love to write, there is this app called Wattpad. You should check it out." Ariel stated as she was bringing me food.

I have to say when I was laid up for several weeks, my girls waited on me and cooked and cleaned. I was proud of them. I called Delilah my slave because it was her fault. Ha ha. She just laughed and threatened me!

So, I opened Wattpad, with help because I'm old as fuck. Ariel showed me how it worked and helped me upload my first story. I never regretted it.

I met some great people through the app. I met some of the sweetest people. My girls, who know the most about me. You know who you are.

Probably the only people who will read this story! Ha ha

They will be the first two. I love them dearly.

Now, I can't say we were innocent in Colorado. And for people who don't know, marijuana is legal in that state. Cady did go to the neighbors a few times and smoke some. Cady used to love smoking pot, in those dark years. I drank too but we just didn't do it every single night.

We did it a couple of times but realized that wasn't who we were anymore and stopped. I hated it. I really did. It gave us flashbacks to my dark times when we did pot regularly. I was scared to create a new personality so Cady stopped. I didn't want to go backwards and be that person anymore.

I realized another thing. I was having allergic reactions to the cocktails and mixed drinks. I was breaking out in hives. My body was rejecting alcohol. So I stopped completely. I didn't have a lot of time for it anyway, so Cady agreed with me. And I learned that I'm allergic to some alcohol.

After five years in Colorado, we moved. We moved to Dean's home state. We moved back where he was from to be closer to family. It was good for us and I felt it. We had to slowly build up what we had lost in the last five or six years.

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