Cutest Thing

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Dean's POV:

We talked all night. We bathed the kids while on the phone, got them to bed and kept talking. The sun was up before we stopped and I wasn't done. She had things to do and her daughter, Ariel was up for breakfast which meant that Arizona would be up soon. We said our goodbyes but I had her number and permission to use it. I was using it.

I was working the next day and I didn't see Cayden anywhere. Bummer. She didn't work today but I was one lucky bastard. I saw her hair. That pretty blonde hair. She was pushing a cart and this little kid was bouncing beside her. She was talking about something important. Clearly.

Holy shit. The little girl was black. Curious. Cayden was a white girl. I knew that Ariel was black but I didn't expect this cuteness! This level should be illegal.

Ariel was bouncing as she walked and her curly hair was bouncing freely. She was as free as her hair without a care in the world. How did Cayden do that? That child didn't have a worry or pain in her face or eyes. She was happy. I was curious.

I did most of the talking the other night. I knew that but I loved that she called. She was quiet and just kept asking questions. I jabbered on. I wish I had listened more.

"Hey." I smiled as she jumped.

"Hey!" Cayden smiled. "Ariel, I stopped."

She watched the little girl turn and smile the cutest smile. "Okay." Ariel walked over beside Cayden and watched me with dark eyes.

"Shopping?" I smiled. I was thrilled to be here.

"No, I'm building a boat!" Cayden glared at me.

I laughed. "I see. I hope you make it the correct size!"

Cayden laughed. "I will!" She told me that was her go to response when someone asked something stupid.

"She's cute!" I watched Ariel spin in circles. I didn't know why. She wasn't guarded like Arizona. He was more reserved but he had been hurt. He still had to deal with his mother not wanting him. It left him scarred.

"So, I are a he." I'm so fucking stupid.

Cayden nodded but her face changed a little. "So." She turned her cart and marched down an aisle with Ariel. I trailed after her.

"No! I was didn't talk about it last night. I heard from your cousin! I don't care...I don't really understand it so I don't give a shit, Cady!" I was stupid.

"It's Cayden." Cayden glared at me. "Look, I have to get going."

I nodded. "Okay and I'm sorry."

Cayden nodded. "I know." She marched off with the kid. She pulled the kid into her arms as they walked. Ariel wrapped around her. I swear that Ariel was protecting her mom. I had to talk to her again. I was getting a date, damn it.

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