Why Push It

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Cayden's here....

I chuckled at the scene in front of me. I knew we were at home with the parents. Cady got us to mom and Dad's so this was going to be stressful.

My sister, Trish smiled at me. "Did you zone out again, Cayden?" SHe asked.

They had no idea and I loved my mom for that reason. No one knew that I was a guy. My mom thought that was my only secret. I could never say anything about the DID out loud. It was our secret.

"I did." We had just had a switch but no one knew it. They just thought I spaced out a lot. "They're still doing this?" I covered for us. I knew we had been Cady for a while and we just switched again. I picked up on things over the years and we got good at pretending to be the other person.

I talked with my siblings as Dean chatted away. I went to say hi to Dad. He was laying in bed. He couldn't stand or sit for too long so he laid in bed a lot. He wasn't in the best shape.

"Hey, Grandpa." I smiled and hugged him. He was amazing and loved me like a daughter/son my whole life. He never questioned me. He just accepted me. I had no idea if he knew and we would never talk about it. I kind of loved that.

"How are you?" I asked.

"You know, same old. You?" We parted and I stood.

"Good. Brought someone home for Mom!" I smiled as he nodded.

"I noticed." He just chuckled.

"It's weird out there." I smiled at him.

He just agreed as we chatted about nothing. He asked a couple of questions about Dean, which I answered honestly. He got up to use the bathroom and I wandered back into the living room. I sat quietly as my siblings started watching a movie and we ate dinner. My mom was happy that Dean said please and thank you the whole night.

He was also touching and cuddly which was sweet. Trish even told me he was sweet. I got her approval somehow. Dean wasn't the person I thought I would fall for. He was loud, cursed a lot, he could sound rude and curt... but there was something about him that I loved. Secretly, he was soft hearted in the center and I fell for that.

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