Intro To Dean Bowman

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A/N: I had no idea how to do this so we are learning about Dean through his point of view.


Dean POV

I was married for four horrible years. I never saw the mess I lived in. I met her at some party my brothers were throwing and I always call my friends my brothers. We're all close since we met in middle school. They introduced me to the Misses and it must have been the beer I was drinking but I thought she was amazing.

I barely remember the night but definitely threw up in the washer because someone was in the bathroom. Man, my brother's mom was pissed.

It didn't take long for me and the Misses to move in together. I thought it was wonderful. I hated being alone and living with her fixed that problem. She was only eighteen at the time and I was almost twenty-three.

I worked and she moved from job to job. Most of the time, she sat on her ass and watched soap operas. She didn't keep a job for long and prefered to just stay home. She was lazy and good for nothing.

I spent my time outside in our small yard and drinking beer with my brothers. She was too lazy to make it to the backyard so it was mine.

I built a cool stone BBQ and had tons of parties. I mean we were twenty-ish and that's what we do, PARTY!!!! I was a little older, twenty-three but there was still beer to drink. Whooo.

The Misses found out she was pregnant soon after we got together. I was going to be a dad. I was beside myself with happiness but my mom warned me. She was subtle and I really didn't listen. She told me I would be shackled to this woman for the rest of my life but I was going to be a dad. I had always wanted to have a kid and have a family and now my dream was coming true. I never thought about wheather she was a good woman. I never thought she should be good to me.

After being together for a year and having a baby boy, Arizona, things started getting different. The Misses spent more time in bars and less at the house. I worked long hours and came home to watch Arizona and she took off again. She came home every night blind ass drunk but she was home.

I married her after being together for two years. I was twenty-five with a child. It was time to get married. I figured we were supposed to, right? I never thought about being happy or in love. I just knew that we had a kid together so we should get married.

We did it. We were a married couple. I was finally married and it didn't matter to who. I realized that when I was older. I should have been more picky.

I threw parties and drank a lot and she began smoking pot and not coming home. Our son stayed at Grandma's house a lot. I wanted to be sure he was safe, if I was partying, he was safe. My mom didn't mind.

The parties became more frequent. I barely remember one party where I met a new guy. I shook his hand and I felt something I had never felt. Not with the Misses. Nothing like that. I thought he was sexy but ignored it with a bottle of Whiskey. That should kill those brain cells.

Two more years of empty parties and ignoring each other, we called it quits. She didn't even want the kid. He was four.

I hit depression and didn't know that until later either. I was a single dad with a little boy. When I didn't have him on certain weekends, my brothers and I would party hard. At one such party, I met him again. I barely remembered him. His name was Harley.

I ended up buying a Harley off of him later. I wanted a motorcycle for a long time and he was sexy so I did. I worked hard and deserved it. My mother almost had a fit but I was smiling so she let it go.

I was living in her house. We moved there after the divorce. My mom was thrilled about it because that woman was terrible. (Her words.) I never spoke poorly of the Misses.

I never told my mom the real reason I bought the bike. In fact, I never admitted it to anyone and they never suspected. I liked the Harley guy. A guy. I was a manly man. My height wasn't what I wanted. I'm only 5 feet 8 inches tall. I never figured I would find love. I was a little overweight and a hairy bastard with an attitude.

I met a woman online, playing poker of all things. We began chatting privately. She was interested so we talked on the phone and that led to a date. I found out she lived down the street. She was two blocks over from my mom's house. Convenient. She loved to party.

She had three kids. (Should have been a red flag of warning!) I was dumb. It was a year of horror and Arizona and I moved out again. Back to mom's house. It was a year of fighting and cleaning up after kids and dogs. Her and her mother watched soap operas and played online poker....all the time.

I was working and babysitting all the time...again. I left with my son.

Back to Mom's house.

Another party, or several and I met a nice woman, I thought. She lived in Kansas, one state over. It wasn't long until we moved in with her and her daughter. She was a teenager. She hated watching Arizona, she hated kids. I worked and came home to shouting a lot. The woman and her daughter fought a lot and that scared Arizona. He was only five. He wasn't used to all the screaming and slamming doors. After he finished kindergarten, we moved.


Thanks for reading a little of Dean's charmed life! I haven't fucked it up yet! Ha ha! 

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