Dean In Love

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Dean's POV

I called every day. I couldn't help it. At work, we talked when she was busy but I was in love. She was amazing.

When we couldn't see each other we talked on the phone. Then she did something that I loved. "So, I was going to have a movie night at my place...would you and Arizona like to join us?" She asked me.

I smiled. "Fuck yes!"

I heard her giggle. "Okay. Friday night. It's going to be a cartoon though. Is that okay?"

"Don't care, Cady. I could stare at the black and white fuzzy channel with you and be happy!" It was true too.

"Okay! It won't be that bad. I hope." She chuckled.

Friday was finally here! I got Arizona ready as he asked where we were going. "Cayden's place. She has a little girl. She's three. Her name's Ariel."

Arizona nodded. "Okay." He was always so cool.

We pulled into an apartment complex. It was nice. I knew it was government subsidized, meaning that the rent was according to how much one got paid and the government covered the rest. It was a great program for people who needed it. I was glad she took care of herself like this.

I knew she saw herself as a loser but she wasn't. She didn't see herself clearly.

I knocked. "Just come it!" I walked in and felt relaxed instantly. Her place was nice and simple. A dining room table that was small and cute. There were flowers on top. The couch was nice and there were some toys on the floor by the TV.

"Hey, uh, I'm behind or you're early! Anyone want to help with dinner!" She announced from the tiny kitchen.

I chuckled. "No!"

She looked up and glared. "Ariel? Do you and Arizona want to stir?"

She even had step stools for the kids. Damn it. Arizona nodded and joined Ariel. They stirred the food as Cady set the table.

"Smells great!" I was hungry.

Cady laughed. "It's not much! It's just hamburger helper. I hope that's okay!"


She checked the food and helped the kids as I took pictures. It was precious. She set a bowl of cheesy hamburger and noodles on the table. "Dinner is ready. She grabbed the spoon, added some to Arizona's plate first, then Ariel's plate and then mine and I was shocked.

"You made me food!" She even buttered my bread. "Wow! I'm used to getting it myself."

Cayden smiled. "Not here. Unless you want to or I'm sick or tired or it's find your own food night!"

I laughed. "Okay. Thanks."

"What kind of women did you date!" Cady asked and I knew she was teasing me. She knew my past. None of the women I dated or married cared enough to feed me.

"You poor neglected man." Cady smiled.

"I am so neglected." My mind went straight into her pants. I couldn't stop it either.

She blushed as we ate. Arizona got seconds and thirds. I just smiled as Cady dished out his food without a thought.

"Arizona, thanks for helping!" Cady smiled at him.

"No one ever let me cook before." Arizona filled her in on the women. Damn it, they were such losers. How did I not see it until now?

"Well, you can always help." Cady smiled. "I let Ariel help me all the time. Right, Love?"

Ariel nodded between bites. She didn't eat near as much as Arizona. He was a big kid. Hell, I was big too. Cady was tall and thin and perfect and I was some fat dumpy hillbilly.

Cady would disagree. I know that.

We watched Over The Hedge. I couldn't tell you anything about it. I sat on the couch with Cady while the kids chose the floor. Barbies and cars were being played with during the movie and Cady didn't care. It was so sweet and relaxing. When was the last time we got to relax, me and Arizona? I didn't know.

I scooted a little closer to Cady and got goosebumps. My shoulder touched hers. I scooted a little closer and my hand slid to her leg. I saw her glare at me but didn't make a move to get away. We ended up holding hands through the movie. Some animals were doing something and Arizona was giggled through it. That was enough for me.

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