Secret DID

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After a whole life of keeping this secret from my family, I told my girls. I told them about my alters. I explained the whole thing. Man, they were supportive. My oldest, Ariel, made a survey for each alter with Likes and dislikes and she decided to make another one about favorite things.

They ask questions and talk to each alter differently. Even my youngest was curious and asked questions. I think they have favorite people too. Ariel likes me and Cady the most. We are friends. I spend a lot of time with Ariel. Iris loves Cady. My youngest prefers Roman. They talk a lot.

They are getting to know us all as different people and it has been fun. We can finally be ourselves. For years, we have practiced being alike. They pretended to always be me. To act like me and share my likes and dislikes and suppress themselves so no one notices.

I talked to Ariel about that because she asked. Roman answered for us. He had to pretend to be me. Poor guy. Roman and I are different. He is funnier and easy to joke with. I get grumpy and impatient. He glares more and loves to clean and organize more than us.

Cady is the mother for sure. She loves unconditionally. She makes friends fast and loves them forever. If someone crosses her, she defends herself. She will stand up for us. She is more confident and less damaged.

Me, Cayden, I am much more shy and less confident. I hate crowds and strangers, even today. I am not comfortable with strangers whereas Cady never met a stranger. Roman is pretty good with people and told me I was charming. He's supportive and like a brother to me. Cady is my sister for sure and my friend.

Dusk is always constant. He loves us and protects us and keeps us safe and sane...ish. Ha ha. He is a very supportive person and always watching. Roman and Dusk hang out together even though they are complete opposites. I swear if they started dating... I don't even know!

Dusk recently met the girls, which was fun. I was surprised, to be honest. But he seemed to enjoy himself with Ariel. I learned that he isn't an animal lover at all.

Roman and I watch anime together with Ariel. Cady plays with the girls and takes them shopping. She loves to shop. We do not. Our little plays quietly on her own when no one is home. It's rare.

We are learning a lot about ourselves just because I took a risk and told my girls about us. Cady was all for it, Roman was very nervous and Dusk didn't care. He doesn't get affected by anyone else's opinion and I admire that about him. I am not like him at all.

So that is the story about us, Cayden, Cady, Roman, Sarah (our new alter), our little and Dusk. 

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