Roman's Opinions

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Roman's opinions:

Oh, hello and thanks for reading this. I thought it would be super fun to add a little bit from my POV. I hope this is okay. We will see if Cayden likes it. He's in charge of this project. So, I'm Roman and I'm 17 years old most of the time... I'm part of this chaotic system. It should be the name of it but I think it's taken already... probably by someone with much more chaos going on. We're pretty tame.

I'm not a writer so Cady will definitely edit this a little. Probably...? I hope. I'm going to sound stupid here but I have no idea when I showed up or was formed. I like saying formed. My first time fronting was unnerving and I didn't care for it... at first.

I was hanging out at home alone with the kids. They were toddlers... and the oldest daughter was in school. I didn't know who they were or what was happening. Dusk helped me out a lot.

When I front, Dusk also fronts with me. He didn't have a name and at first, I thought he was like the voice of God or something.

I talked with Dusk a lot and now I spend most of my time with him. But he actually came out with me to the front... which he never did. He was curious about the world. He's the one that showed things to me and explained what we were. I learned that we were a system and there were five of us. He introduced me to Cayden first.

We are very different but I love Cayden like a brother. We are very close. I make him laugh, I love sarcasm and glaring. I make Cady roll her eyes a lot. Basically, they put up with me.

I love to organize and clean when I'm out... mostly. I love playing video games with the kids too. When they were little we would make huge messes. We made their handprints in plaster, we made some goop stuff with baking powder and water. Just add a little water and you get a weird consistency that is so fun to play with and it's not toxic. And when it dries, you can just wipe it up.

I love doing crafts with the kids. I always had fun with them when they were little and now they are teens, it's video games. I'm all in for that! They have a tough time telling me apart from Cady sometimes. We both laugh a lot and smile. I joke around more and my voice is deeper so that's my giveaway. Cady is like our mom of the system... like our logic. I once fought to be in the front with Dusk and Cayden because there was a brownie we all wanted to eat! We have fun sometimes.

Dusk is my best friend that I have a humongous crush on! We all do. Eye roll... He's a comfort to me and we hang out together. Whenever I'm out front, Dusk is with me. It's also because I'm only 17 years old. I'm an age slider so I can range between 17 to 25 years old, but it's comfortable to have Dusk with me.

It's a huge change that began with me. Before I formed, Dusk was never in front. I think he enjoys it sometimes. He's met the girls and talked with Dean since we began this book... Is that a spoiler? I have no idea but it was a great conversation between them. Dean has a respect for Dusk that I love. They have a great relationship... Dean is actually super cool about us and I have no idea how. He's a good person with a big heart.

Oh, Cayden had to teach me to drive so that I could take the kids to places if I was out. We had a calendar that we had to check when we were in front. We will do it and I love to add funny things to it. I know it makes Cayden laugh and Cady roll her eyes.

Also, because Dusk was with me, he learned to drive but Cayden won't let him because he drives like he's in the race car circuit! Hilarious! He loves driving really fast.

I think that is all I can say.... Nice to meet everyone! Everyone stay safe out there....

I think someone is writing more and the story will continue here. Roman out.


(Btw: Cady hates when I say that and she hates uses letters instead of saying the words! Like BTW instead of saying By the way... hilarious!! I love her! Please don't kill me...!)


Cayden here: I didn't edit this at all and he spelled everything right. Good job! I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. We decided to add some of the alters into the story personally. I hope it's okay.

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