Dating Alex

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Alex began hanging out with me, meeting with me before and after classes and walking me to classes. We ate lunch together outside in nice weather and I got all kinds of looks from girls. Great. Alex was a very highly sought after commodity. He told me that and I laughed. He said he loved making me laugh.

I hoped he would just get sick of me but he didn't. Every day he was there. On the weekends, we met at the mall between our houses and hung out. I didn't tell my parents I was seeing someone because I was waiting for it to end. I had to tell him and I couldn't say it. I'm a guy? What would that do to him?

We went to a movie on one date. I can't remember what it was now but it was something he loved so probably a karate movie. I want to say it was Mortal Combat or something. He was crazy for those movies. I didn't have a preference. I was still so bad at sharing my opinion.

We even shared a drink and a popcorn. I had never even drank after someone before. This was my first time for everything. I had never gone this far with someone. I spent a lot of my time trying to figure out what was different.


We got to his car and he drove me to our meeting place. I had to leave him again and I didn't want to. "So, thanks for the movie." I sighed because he bought everything for me. It felt like an actual date. "Good night." I whispered.

Alex smiled. "Wait. I'll get your door." He hopped out and rushed around to open my door. He took my hand and helped me out of the car. "There."

I blushed. "Thanks, Alex."

Alex watched me. "I want to kiss you so bad." He whispered it.

My whole body was on fire and I was very turned on. No one had been able to cause this effect on me before. I was very closed off before but Alex was magical. I didn't answer as I looked at my feet. I saw his black leather boots that were sexy.

I felt a finger slide under my chin as he pulled my head up to see him. "May I kiss you? It's very rude to ignore someone when they ask a question."

I looked into his brown eyes. "Oh! Okay. I'm sorry!"

Alex smiled. "Better. Now do I have to ask again?" There was glimmer in his eye.

I blushed but couldn't move my head because he was still holding it. "Uh, sure? Are you sure?"

Alex smiled at me again. "Positive but only if you want to." His thumb slid over my bottom lip and I almost passed out. My knees almost buckled and I was sweating. This was my first kiss.

I just watched him move a little closer. "Hmm?" He asked with a hum in his throat.

I was a goner. "Uh...yeah."

Alex watched me. "In the future, I need a better answer but I will settle for a yeah this time, Cayden." He moved toward me as our lips touched. This was my first real kiss and it was amazing. He instantly pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

The fireworks exploded in my body and heat spread to my groin. I was so turned on from just a kiss from Alex. Touching people had never turned me on before. I was pretty sure I would never be with anyone because the thought of touching someone left me hollow. But Alex was different.

The kisses filled me with lust that I had never experienced or thought possible. I knew he was different as his tongue slid over mine. He gently placed small kisses on my lips as he spoke Spanish to me. I didn't speak Spanish so I had no idea what he was saying but at the end of it, he kissed my ear so tenderly.

I melted all the way home. 

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