Conversation With Cady

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Still In Dean's POV:

I was relentless. My next lunch, I walked up and bought my usual. A deli sandwich and candy. We talked and I left the M&Ms but I left my number. "Call me." And I walked off.

I didn't want to creep her out so I let her decide. It took forever so I was moving her along. I'm not patient. I want her as mine. Someone was going to get her and keep her and that was going to be me. It had been two weeks with no call.

I did my shopping and Cady checked me out. The last things on the belt were a dozen red roses and M&Ms. I left them as I took my bags.

Cayden smiled and looked worried. "Dean, you forgot these!" She held up the roses.

I leaned in and smiled. "Those are for you, Precious. I told you to call me." I backed up and walked away. I was so damn smooth, I surprised myself. If I ever got her, what would I even do with her? No idea but I had to have that beauty!

It took way too long but Cayden called me. It was at the worst time but I didn't give a shit. I was having dinner with my aunt and uncle three nights later when my phone rang. Unknown number and I almost didn't answer.

"Uh, Hello?"

Someone cleared their throat. "Uh, hi. Uh, you gave me your number...a couple of days ago? Uh, if that was a mistake, I understand. I can just..."

"What? Hold on!" I rushed from the dinner table and out the door. I rushed to the driveway and sat on a stone bench. "Who is this?" I was a little out of breath.

"Oh, it's uh...Cccc. Cayden."

Cayden! "Oh! Cayden, really!" I smiled so big! "Hi! Hello! How are you! I can't believe you called." I cleared my throat. "How are you?"

"Fine. How are you?" Cayden sounded nervous and ready to hang up.

"So much better now!" I was too. "Did you work today?" I knew she had today off. I was schedule-stalking her.

"No. I did laundry and colored with my baby, who's watching Dora right now. Totally occupied. Did you work?" She seemed to have calmed down as we chatted about nothing.

The conversation moved on as the sun set. I was outside and it was cold out. "Hey, can I call you in like twenty minutes?"

Cayden paused. "Sure."

"Okay. Talk to you in twenty!" I hung up. I rushed in and grabbed Arizona. Dinner was over but who gave a shit. I had a phone call to make. I had her number.

"Where were you?" My aunt asked me.

I smiled so big. "She called! I have to go!" I took leftovers and Arizona and sped home. It was a ten minute drive and I drove fast so it was five. I called her back right at the twenty minute mark.

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