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Next month

- Okay, Jimin, I'm off then!

Jimin waves at Hoseok who's leaving after his shift. Today Jimin had to stay back because the manager has trusted him with the shop kegs and so he has to close the shop before heading home.

- Shoot, it's almost 11.

Jimin hurries up and checks everything one last time before flickering the lights off. He pulled out his phone for the lights and locked the doors, making sure that it is locked before turning around but he flinched, stepping back.

- What the fuck!

He yells out, he forms his hands into fists to fight whoever this is but he slowly figured out who it is.

He hasn't seen this person for a month and now he's here, standing in front of him like a creep.

- No time to waste, come with me.

Jimin pulled his hand back when the person grabbed it.

- Why the fuck do I want to go with you?

The person sighs and turns around, now he grabs Jimin's arm, tight enough so that he can't retreat it.

- I will explain later, now move.

Jimin hesitates to pull his hand back but since this person is an alpha, he is stronger than him. So, without notice, a whimper left Jimin's mouth which made the alpha soft. He loosens the grip while Jimin still keeps the pained expression.

- I'm sorry. I forgot ...

Jimin's pained expression slowly turned into a mad one and he glared at the person.

- What do you want, Yoongi.

Yoongi sighs and lets go of Jimin's hand to talk now.

- You have to come with me.

- And why is that so?

- Because it is the safest thing.

- Safe? With you? I don't think so...

- Jimin, listen. You are a male omega, the rare kind. So, we have to keep you safe.

- There are other male omegas, right? I'm the only one.

Yoongi rolls his eyes and massages his temple, he knows that Jimin is stubborn.

- Other have their mates!

Jimin looks at Yoongi who shut his mouth, Jimin pulled his jacket back up and hug himself.

- Yeah, so warn them.

- Listen, we have been informed that the next territory is planning an attack on the omegas. So, we have informed all omegas in our territory to stay in their houses.

- Listen, I'm not like other omegas. I'm a trained one, I can manage-

- There will be 30-40 alphas..one against all of them..you can't defeat them.

Jimin shuts his mouth and flashbacks from the past appear in front of his eyes and he felt dizzy, Yoongi noticed the unusual activity and quickly acted. He caught Jimin in time before he falls, Jimin was shaking by now and he grabbed onto Yoongi like he needs someone now.

- Come with me, I'll keep you safe.

Jimin looks up, tears in his eyes.

- How can you keep me safe where you have done something to me!

- Jimin, those are some misunderstandings!

- Fuck off, Yoongi! I'll be fine with my mom...

Jimin pushed Yoongi away and almost walked away.

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