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- It's getting late..why aren't they coming back yet...

Hoseok kept staring out from the window while waiting for all the members that went with the leaders.

- Relax, Hyung. They are alphas. They can handle themselves.

Jeongguk gives an assuring smile but Hoseok was still worried. Jimin on the other hand, was quiet like he didn't exist at that time. Jeongguk continuously checked on Jimin but Jimin had his head hung and mouth sealed.

All of a sudden, a loud gasp left Jimin's lips as he shivers in his seat. Hoseok ran to him and hold his hands, Jeongguk looked concerned as well.

- What's wrong!

Jimin's eyes tear up and he bit his lips while making a pained expression.

- What's wrong, Hyung!

- He can feel pain when his mate is being hurt...

Hoseok explains and he watches how Jimin's expression slowly changes to be in more pain.

- Jiminie!

Jimin lets out a sob before he shut his eyes as well as clenches his chest. Both Hoseok and Jeongguk are now worried for the latter until...

Jimin reopened his eyes and his eyes went back to normal blues than before. He stares at Hoseok and Jeongguk, being confused because of their worried faces.

- What?

- Are you the normal Jimin?

Hoseok asked before poking Jimin's cheeks.

- Yeah! What do you mean by normal Jim- oh ...wait...

Jimin paused and gasped.

- Did he come out again!

Hoseok nods as well Jeongguk too.

- You saw him too!

Jimin asked Jeongguk who scratched his neck while nodding like a kid. Jimin gasped again and covered his head with his hands.

- Why is he jumping in and out like that! Fuck!

- Jimin, he is a part of you too. You can't lock him in, he has his wishes too.

Jimin glared at Hoseok. Jeongguk gulped and stepped back from the scene.

- He should be locked away forever! Because of him! My life is partly ruined! Because of HIM! I LOOK WEAK! BECAUSE OF HIM! I-

- You are alive, because of him. Don't act so tough, Jimin. We all know that if you kill that inner self of yours what makes you truly you...then you are no less than an object.

Hoseok interrupts and glared back at Jimin. Jimin closes his mouth and looks away.

- We all have this part that makes us different in ranks and position, so that doesn't mean that we should be disappointed by it. Life has been given to us because of them! Just because the power isn't the same doesn't mean you are blaming the inner self of yours...no, you should blame yourself. You are making things worse, not them.

Jimin has nothing to say to top those words that Hoseok is saying.

- Your inner self wants to settle things with Yoongi because he knows, once you have mated with someone...it's just impossible to break the bond either one of them dies. Yes, I know Yoongi did a bad thing but at least let him speak. Let his inner self have a chance to explain before you jump to the conclusion and say that he cheated.

Jimin turns back and curls his fingers into a fist.

- But he did! He did cheat on me!

Hoseok sighed.

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